Part five

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(Anna's POV)
2 weeks later...
At this point, Anna knew that it was not just stress as she was constantly snacking (on weird combinations too like Pickles dipped in Nutella), her breast have been feeling very tender and she always had to pee. All she needed was to get sick once and she would be absolutely convinced that she was pregnant. But symptoms don't mean certainty so she decided to run to the drug store and buy a couple of pregnancy tests which were currently hidden away underneath her bras in her underwear drawer.

"So what are you going to do?"

Anna was currently on FaceTime with Dani trying to figure out if she should take the pregnancy tests now or after their trip to Sweden. Their flight was a couple of hours away so time was ticking and that added stress was making decision making for Anna virtually impossible.

"I don't know because what if I am" Anna sputtered out, "I mean I'm already going to meet his family and I have a feeling I'm going to be the first girlfriend of Pelle's they met. But now I'll be the pregnant girlfriend! I mean what if they hate me and decide not to know the baby because of it?!"

Anna could see Dani trying not to laugh at her freak out but was ultimately failing.

"You don't even know if you're pregnant yet" Dani told her, "I think you should take the tests now since it'll make you feel better knowing. Also Pelle's family will love you, what's not to love!"

Anna could feel herself calm. This is how it was between the twins, when one couldn't think straight and was making themselves sick with worry, the other could reel them back to reality. Maybe it was because they were twins that they could understand the other better than a friend or a partner. Or maybe it was because they had to become that person for the other as their parents were too wrapped up in trying to help Terri.

Anna muted Dani and put her phone on the bathroom counter while she took the tests, unmuting once she finished her business. Even though it was only a few minutes it felt more like hours as she began biting her lower lip hard enough that she could taste a little blood.

"So what do they say?" Dani asked her.

Anna looked at all 3 tests, all giving her the exact same results.

"They're positive"

Author's Note: So Anna's pregnant! I promise there's a reason why I added a pregnancy storyline that'll be revealed later. I'm currently having trouble though deciding if Anna should tell Pelle before the trip or during, so please comment which one you'd prefer!

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