12: Superhero Team-Up

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After the meeting of Clark Kent, Y/n Jordan and Bruce Wayne, as well as the appearance of the mysterious woman at Lex Luthor's party, all kinds of disasters were happening all over the world. A burning building, people saved by Superman. An entire cargo ship, brought back to land, being pulled by Superman. A rocket exploding, pulled out of a burning wreckage because of Superman. Even Green Lantern started protecting Earth more often. The world looked at Superman and Green Lantern as enemies, but they were acting like heroes for their respective towns. Green Lantern was flying in outer space, trying to look for any signs of his fellow Green Lantern, Sinestro, but the search was getting scarce with each passing day.

Y/n: [Hovers in space] Sinestro, give me a sign...

He began looking around, but his ring suddenly started beeping. The beep drew him to Earth, causing him to fly at full speed. Somehow, a plane started malfunctioning and the citizens on it were in a state of panic. He sees the plane going down, just a few feet above Metropolis, and prepares to close in.

Y/n: [Takes a breath] Okay, Jordan... Nothing too difficult than stopping a 1,500 pound airplane.

Flying towards the airplane, Green Lantern begins constructing something that can save these people. A giant green hand proceeds to stop it, but just slightly as it slowly begins falling out of his grasp. Struggling to hold his concentration, he suddenly feels himself lowering down.

Y/n: [Confused] What the hell's going on?

???: Need some help, Lantern?

Looking to the wing of the plane, Lantern sees the Man of Steel, holding up the wing.

Y/n: It's a pleasure, fellow hero.

Clark: You focus that ring on getting the people out of the plane, I'm gonna try leveling it out.

Y/n: [Nods] Works for me.

As Superman attempts to level out the plane, so it doesn't crash into the city, leaving Green Lantern to get inside of the plane itself to get the citizens to safety. It was a tough job for just one superhero, but when two superheroes were on the job, it was going to be alright.

Y/n: [Tears door off] It's okay, everyone! Me and Superman are gonna get you out.

Constructing a cage around the flyers, Green Lantern shot through the side of the plane and slowly flew out, holding the many people on it inside of his constructed cage. As one hero gets the civilians out of danger, the other manages to bring the plane safely down onto the ground, stopping any form of explosions from occurring in the city.

Y/n: [Brings the civilians down] All in a days work for Green Lantern and... [Turns to Superman; sighs] Superman.

Clark: [Walks over to Y/n; brings hand out] I appreciate the help, Lantern.

Y/n: [Shakes his hand] I'm only doing what I think is necessary, Superman. Besides, the people don't have to like us, but... [Gestures to civilians; smiles] they really need us heavy hitters.

Clark: I'm gonna get going. [Hovers in air] Let me know if you ever find anymore danger.

Y/n: Uh, how do I let you know? It's not like we superheroes or metahumans... whatever they call us... have phone numbers to exchange.

Clark: [Smirks] True, Green Lantern and Superman might not -- but that doesn't mean "they" don't.

Y/n, unknowningly, hears the sound of Clark flying off. Turning to the sound, he smirks at the fellow superhero, knowing he wasn't the only one out there. After saving a couple more civilians from natural disasters, Clark goes to his apartment and turns on the television. Unfortunately, what he was listening to, wasn't exactly something he wanted to hear.

PBS Guy: Are you, as a United States senator, personally comfortable saying to a grieving parent, "Superman could have saved your child, but on principle, we did not want him to act"?

Sen. Finch: I'm not saying he shouldn't act. I'm saying he shouldn't act unilaterally.

PBS Guy: What are we talking about here, then? Must there be a Superman?

Sen. Finch: There is.

Just by looking at the expression on his face, Clark was troubled by the sudden disapproval from so many people who've seen what he did to protect Metropolis and so many other cities from the invasion caused by General Zod 18 months ago. He needed some comfort to all of the negativity of the people. It was night outside when Clark decided to call the person in question, who without question, was his Earth mother, Martha Kent. Martha was currently sleeping at the Kent Farm, located on Hickory Lane in Smallville, Kansas 66605, when she got the call from Clark.

Martha: [Turns light on; answers phone] Hello?

Clark: [Over phone] Mom?

Martha: [Sits up] Clark! What is it? What's wrong?

Clark: No. Nothing. I just... [Hesitant; sighs] Hi.

Martha: Hi.

Clark: [Curious] How come Dad never left Kansas?

Martha: [Shakes head] Well, he just... [Chuckles] You know how he was. "What do I need to travel for? I'm already there."

Clark: [Silently] Just wish it was more simple.

Martha: My baby boy. [Sighs] Nothing was ever simple.

Clark was in a tough spot right now, but he wasn't the only superpowered hero in the world who was. Y/n was the same, one week looking for a comrade, the next, hearing about the same negative comments about Superman.

PBS Guy: What about this "Green Lantern"? He's been present in our world for a few years now, and in that whole time, he's done nothing but save innocent people from danger.

Sen. Finch: [Shakes head] And I don't doubt what he's doing is right, but the same thing for "Green Lantern" can be said about Superman. He shouldn't act unilaterally.

Not only was he frustrated about this whole situation, he was troubled by the simple fact he was being treated as a threat to his own kind. He called Carol and Hal from Coast City, telling them about the situation in Metropolis, and the three were discussing it in the comfort of the Lantern's apartment.

Hal: [Y/n looks down] I don't get it. Why view both you and this Superman as threats to Earth? From what you told me about him, he saved a whole city from an alien invasion, and while we're under the subject, you risked your life to stop something powered by fear.

Y/n: The people fear what they don't understand, Hal. [Looks down at his ring] The Guardians knew there were other planets in the world, but when I became the first human Green Lantern, they thought we were inferior.

Carol was standing over by the window, looking at the sunset as the two brothers discussed the situation.

Hal: And what about the two guys you met? Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne?

Y/n: One of them believes what Superman's doing is right. The other doesn't really like aliens roaming the planet, "pretending" to be something they aren't.

Carol: So, what? You're staying in Metropolis to check out Superman?

Y/n: Or going to Gotham to inspect anything surrounding the Batman.

Hal: [Chuckles] "Batman"? What, is there a "Catwoman" too?

Both Y/n and Carol look at Hal, obviously not seeing anything funny in this situation, causing him to slump down. The Lantern turns back to the window, but his brought back to reality when Carol kisses his cheek, smiling at him.

Carol: Whatever happens, just stay out of trouble.

Y/n: Don't I always?

The two kiss one final time, before Y/n stands up and puts on the ring, changing into his costume and flying out the window. The heat between Superman and Batman were definitely going to be rough, but he was determined to side with humanity on this.

Word Count: 1241

Beware My Power: DCU x Male Green LanternWhere stories live. Discover now