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I find myself seeking you
Wishing to walk your shores
While waves kiss my feet,
The hot sun caressing my skin
I'm okay being a lone
But truthfully sometimes it's lonely
I wish to smile
Singing with your roaring waters
Rolling my hips to your waves
And as the sun sets
Please give me the grace
To fall to my knees
As I sob
In love
In pain
In emotions I can not word
I know my essence is more
Primordial than most can fathom.
As I cry
I wish to feel your caress,
I wish to live
I also wish to feel my body
Become weightless in your arms,
The warmth of your waters
As my body sinks
Into your dark abyss
I wish to be cradled in your essence
Like a longing for comfort
I know nothing about
To hear your protectors sing melodies
That only my soul can feel
To feel like for the first time
I can breath
As the weight of your waters
Compress my body as I sink
Comforting me
I will not lie to you,
It is still scary, this unknown and yet so comforting
As my body sinks to places no man has been
To a place that guarded by your protecters
For your darkness to envelop my light
As for even a moment
My soul catches a breath
For me to become one with you mother ocean
One with your waters
One with your wisdom
One with the cosmic truth

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