Slithering Lies | Cluster 1

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❝ Giggles erupted past my mouth, 

  Lies slithered past your tongue.

Our relationship soon headed south

Then the truth sung.

Oh, it sung such a melody that it ended you mute.

And I, the listener, despised the tune.

Each chord I struck shattered our hearts, 

Yet, we must be torn apart.

For, we were like two flickers of fire

supplied with humongous amount of lumber.

Slowly suffocating eachother in this room of lies, 

without any helplines. ❞



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 ➤ Theme:

The central idea of the poem revolves around the breakdown of a relationship due to lies and deceit. It explores the consequences of dishonesty and the eventual realization of the truth leading to the end of the relationship.

➤ Subject matter:

The subject matter of the poem delves into the destructive nature of lies in a relationship, highlighting how falsehoods can erode trust and love between two individuals. It also touches upon the feeling of suffocation and the need for separation in order to preserve one's own well-being.

(Analysis done by AI) 

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