Layers of Lies | Cluster 10

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❝ Hidden behind many crimson layers of lies, 

is a cryptic being filled with battered wires. 

Under the watchful and controlling eyes, 

its encrypting is alarmingly wilder. 

Just a mere programmed toy to play with,

and then to discard it without any remorse. 

Many thought, this was a unneeded myth, 

and then, came the satanic reinforce. 

 A like! Another follow! As we get a dopamine rush,

  we soon become a victim of a vicious cycle. 

This is a habit, that we need to flush, 

or else, we will end up with a bloody rifle. 

We live in a world of a stimulated cyberspace,

no knowing the mutants, lurking within the unknown. 

A small insignificant misplace,

can cause you to get struck at home. ❞



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Author's note: Hope you enjoyed and understood the lesson! Additionally, you guys should check out @_Miraaaaaaaa_  

Their poems are the best!♡♡♡. Lastly..

"The internet is written in pen, not paper. Now read that twice. "


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