The Eowyns | Cluster 27

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❝ Over the seven seas and lands, layed Ethold, 

inhabited by the Eowyns, whose future was known. 

Millions of shaky secrets those walls withhold, 

to block out the cruel curse sown. 

In the streets lads and lasses play, 

under the loving gazes of their guardians.

Alas, fate was quite far away, 

to give them a never-ending season.

Unfortunately, many were unaware, 

of the plaguing poison growing amongst them.

Gradually, many succumbed to a curse rare, 

this was the final stem.

A pungent purple mist engulfed the town, 

as confusion filled everyone. 

'Are you certain this isn't some trick by a clown?' 

whispered different seasons.

Soon the mourning mist swallowed all, 

and turned them into sleezy shadowy creatures.

It was time for the fall, 

of the loving rancid reapers.

No one knew, except timid Time, 

that their past actions were very vile.

All it took was a single dime, 

to reach that forbidden aisle.

Surprisingly, one noble knight is still alive, 

the blood of the sinned is still embedded. 

'I suppose, I am the only one to survive.' 

My, how splendid!

"The past memories were erased, 

sanity was taken out. 

I suppose, their past sins got traced, 

this was something done throughout."

" Is there a reason?", 

questioned Destiny, after witnessing.

"Hope against hope, makes us human", 

replies, Time, as comes another beginning.

(This is the curse of the Kraken, 

once entangled, you never come back.

You would once awaken,

and then they would attack.) ❞



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This is my entry for the challenge of this month. #Projectathena.

I have chosen the fifth prompt. 

Update: I won the first place! 

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