The Nighthawk | Cluster 38

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❝ The sneaky stars start shooting down,

as the mellow midnight moon wakes up.

Pitch darkness had engulfed the town,

'Sun did get her final cut.'

Grumbling down the gravel,

walked I, holding a sword.

Thick crimson blood had engulfed the battle,

many cries were heard to the Lord.

I, the Nighthawk as they called,

was a noble warrior to protect all.

I often felt quite lost,

trapped within these weary walls.

Being a soldier under sinister strings,

was something I became numb to.

I was one of the kings,

of appearing falsely true.

Snapping out of my thoughts,

I spotted his tranquil tent.

I know this overruled many laws,

to do this factually forbidden quest.

Alas, the love that intertwined us,

was starting to ache from the longing.

We had made a precious promise,

to be husbands, welded by a ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2024 ⏰

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