Chapter 6~ Lilly's Decision

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Lilly decides that she is going to stay in the abusive relationship with Dick. In my opinion he would've been out of my mind weeks ago. Lilly decides to have a talk with Dick about their "perfect" relationship.

"Dick I don't think we can last. You frighten me." ~Lilly

*My next Victim* Dick thinks

"Lilly, I wouldn't want to hurt you, but you can't leave me. You mean the world to me!" ~Dick

"Okay, well why do I feel like im forced to do everything you want? I feel unsafe and threaten which makes me feel uncomfortable with me being around you." ~Lilly

"Lets go!! NOW!" ~Dick

"Where are we going?" ~Lilly

"The bathroom." ~Dick

They silently walked to the bathroom and everyone stared. They could tell in Lilly's eyes she was scared. They arrive at the bathroom and go in the ladies because theirs stalls. Dick shoves Lilly Jeane into a stall with force as he saw the sorrows on her face. He slams her to the ground and punches her.

"DICK! Why me I dont deserve this. I love you." Lilly says in a very frightening calm tone.
"You were thinking about leaving me and I will never let you go. If I can't have you.. No one can which mean i will kill you. So whats your decision?" Dick says in a harsh tone.

Lilly Jeane never replied.
Dick picks her up with full force and slams her down. He laughs in victory. Whispering he says, "Good now no one can have my sweetie pie."

Dick walks out of the bathroom all smily forgetting he was in the girls bathroom! He freaked out. Everyone was going to suspect him.. But he had a plan.

1~ Stand outside the bathroom and act like the teacher sent you in the hall for punishment.
2~ Deny everything.
3~When they find the body tell the teachers it had to be a girl. Its a girls bathroom.
4~Get Maxie. Make Maxie help you cover up DNA.
5~Never go back to school.

Okay, Dick never really thought it through, but he knew it wasn't going to be that easy. He was scared. He didnt realize what he had done til after it was done. He wanted to runaway and escape. What does Dick do? Hide the body, get Maxie, runaway, comit scuicide, or blame others?

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