Chapter 2~ New area

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Its the first day of school at Suck It. Its very oddd walking in and not knowing anyone. They all had weird names from me, probably cause i came from the South. They had names like Jessica, Brandon, Hannah and many more. One name.. Of a girl stood out to me. Her name was Lilly Jeane she rode my bus in the morning and we met by her hearing me let a big one out. *lol*

As I went down the halls to find locker 101 I was in shock. Lilly Jeane is my locker buddy!

As I shouted with Joy i said, "Lilly Jeane!! We're locker buddies."

Lilly Jeane said in a jokingly matter, "Ugh even more time with you." *started laughing*

As I came closer to Lilly Jeane I had a feeling that she's my future. Lilly Jeane wasn't the prettiest girl... But you know had to find someone at my standard.. Below basic. I mean I'm way better for her and i know she will come to me because she can't get anything better, I thought.

So I went to homeroom today and it wasnt so good. The principal introduced me to the class and mad a ass out of me. I always wondered why it was called Suck It Middle School but I understand now.

The principal, Mrs. Barnes, was pretty rude. When she introduced me to the class she was asking me if i live in a dump because my outfit had holes, and I was filthy. I was so upset I sat their and cried. Eventually she was making fun of my name "Dick Sharted".. Yes ladies Sharted means "You fart and poop yourself at the same time." No meed to embarrass myself but my mother always said, "Once a Sharter always a Sharter!"
Which has to put it out their that she got my last name from in my ages 0-11 when I "Sharted" myself.

*Everyone points and laughs at me*

I start to feel down because the only girl of my "dreams" is in the class. I was sitting right beside her and I wasn't feeling so well then oops! I sharted! The whole class stared. And I ran. Lilly Jeane chasing after me.

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