Chapter 7~Is Lilly okay??

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"A girl!" Dick screams.
The girl named Belle runs out of the bathroom in terror, screaming saying she saw and almost dead girl trying to get help while bleeding to death.

Dick says to the girl, "Did you recongnize who it is?"

Belle replied with the answer, "No, please go check it out and get help."

I, Dick go in the bathroom and play like I didn't know what happened.

Lilly looked up to me and said, "You dirty man, trying to kill me."

Then Lilly faints from so much blood loss.

Dick starts to panic because hes afraid shes going to remember what had happened.

He runs out of the bathroom screaming, "It's Lilly she's gone!" With fake tears coming down gus eyes with a smirk on the inside.

He noticed the girl,Belle, wasn't outside the bathroom. All Dick saw was Lilly Jeane's Mom Jess, and cops, and 2 ambulances, which one was used for backup. Jess runs in the bathroom, and as a mother to see her child damaged and almost dead on school grounds would be heart breaking. The scene was disgusting exclaimed monitors.

The ambulance has Lilly Jeane, and her Mom Jess in an ambulance going full speed to get her to the hospitality as soon as possible, they had to get blood into her and clean her up before it was too late.

Jess, Lilly's mom calls Lilly's dad Mark, crying a river screaming, "Shes almost gone, our baby girl, almost dead!" And she hung up. Surprisingly her husband also Lilly's dad arrived at the hospitality but they wouldn't let him see her. They were afraid she was gone. They couldn't find any blood matches. They said she was a unique little girl is she has a secretive blood. Her dad and mom were the only people who had that blood so they haf to give pints of blood. Happily, it wasnt affecting them.

Dick, still sitting by the bathroom, began to cry. He loved Lilly with all his heart and he killed her. He knew he did it for a reason, but he was hoping she was alive.

Sneak peak- Lilly is partially alive, and she forgot everything! She lost total memory of everything! She could date Dick again and not even rememeber the past!

Lilly is doing okay right now, still half dead and injured but they believe she is or is not going to be okay..

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