what they would ramble about (aka. their interests)

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Ashlyn: Definitely dogs. It's the only thing she will and can ramble about with ease. If you ever ask her small information about a specific breed of dog, she would casually explain every single thing about that dog.


"What's the color of a golden retriever?"

"Golden Retriever's coat is usually described as "golden," ranging from light cream to dark gold. It's a rich, warm hue that gives them their distinctive look."

Aiden: FNaF. Just FNaF. He would force someone to watch game theories about them, specifically Ash. He probably has FNaF plushies hidden in his bedroom (with his 5 snakes). He also plays all of the FNaF games, and he even plays rip offs.

Taylor: Watches allot of true crime when she was a kid. She would somehow know what to do in a crime scene. When she once watched a movie and they get to the crime scene part, she yelled out "SHE DIDN'T PUT HER GLOVES??!?!!" and complained about it the whole movie.

To this day she still knows about it.

Tyler: He used to have a dinosaur phase when he was a kid. He knows so much about them. He even once said "I wanna be a dinosaur", and Taylor bullied him (playfully) and he never said it again.

He would also ramble about the rules of baseball, explaining stuff, blah blah blah. He would make fun of someone who forgot to do something then proceeds to explain every single detail of baseball.

Logan: Space ofc. He's been obsessing with it ever since he was 3. Atp he knows allot about space, and I mean allot.

But not only space, but also guns. He even has a glock hidden inside his pillow. And a shotgun somewhere. He knows tons of shit. If you said "is that an ak-47?" Then he would say "actually that's a RPK-74"

Ben: Birds. He likes birds because it's interesting to him. Plus he likes the colors, and he thinks it's beautiful. He thinks it's interesting that they can be able to fly, and how their feathers are colorful.

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