1. The Meeting

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Wonwoo took a deep breath standing in front of the main door of the pretty looking building. His new part time job wasn't much, but he needed the money and it paid well ... for a reason.

The Roses 🥀  Bar was one of the oldest and most famous places in the neighborhood, the home of the famous Bloody Roses Mafia.

Wonwoo had no affiliations with any syndicates inside or outside the area and he made it very clear to his new employers since the very first day he met them. He wasn't looking for trouble, he just wanted a job because he simply just needed the money ... that's all.

He'll do what he's told and go home, he'll be committed and will give it his all ... he promised to pick himself up again, his recent fall was more than traumatizing and this was his first time facing the world after what we can only refer to now as "the incident".

His new employer was a tall bulky guy, sharp features but with a very warm and a very bright smile ... they called him DK.

Wonwoo gently pushed the door open and took his first step inside the bar, and even though it was still early in the morning, the place was relatively busy. Wonwoo recognized the men in black suits, the Bloody Rose's Mafia Men and he ignored them, to him, they were just customers.

To them, however, Wonwoo was a fair, slender, handsome and sweet scented Omega. He had no Alpha scent around him and he was obviously unclaimed.
A perfect body, a snatched waist and he was a pretty ... very pretty, vanilla scented Omega.

Wonwoo walked gracefully towards the bar and was met by DK's bright smile "Welcome Wonwoo"

The boy looked too innocent, his black hair falling a little over his face to cover his eyes, his cheeks a bit flushed, lips plump and perfectly smooth, and his skin almost radiant ... how is it possible that no Alpha claimed him yet?

He bowed a little and reached over to glide his round glasses back on his face "Good morning, sir"

"You look great" DK pointed out Wonwoo's outfit for the day, a plain white shirt and jeans nothing much really, but he looked so good nonetheless. Wonwoo was a bit taken aback but took the compliment anyways with a bit of a blush "Thank you" he muttered shyly.

"Your apron and uniform are in the locker room, pass by Joshua to get your keys and name tag ... you can start by cleaning up last nights' messy tables over there, if you find any lost items you can bring them upfront to the cashier, got it?"

Wonwoo nodded, yes, he was new but he definitely could do that "Yes got it"

"Go on then" DK nodded his head giving Wonwoo his cue to leave, he knew that this pretty Omega might bring some attention, but he's safe here, no one will dare touch him if he's DK's boy.

DK owned the bar with his Mate Joshua, and his first and most loyal customers were the Bloody Rose Mafia and especially his long time friend, Kim Mingyu ... hence the bar's name "The Rose"

Kim Mingyu:

The next in line to be the head of the Mafia, a proud Alpha, icy cold eyes ... tall, strong and scary ... very scary, he chooses his friends very ... very ... very carefully.
DK was one of them, the two shared some good times back in the Special Forces. Let's say a few buildings exploded, gunshots were fired, a dozen of people died and others heavily injured ... the missions were successful every single time.

DK covered Mingyu's back and Mingyu did the same, his trust was earned with battle filed action, flying bullets and blood, DK never looked back ever since.

Coming back home, DK surprisingly found his Mate in a school art teacher named Joshua, and together they opened the bar a few months later, while Mingyu's path was already drafted for him ... the heir of the Bloody Rose 🥀

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