4. Wonwoo

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I clutched into Joshua as he took me inside and I barely could breathe. He helped me to the sofa in the staff room and tried to calm me down, but I was shivering, cold sweat running through my back and down my temples.

"Did he use his Alpha voice on you?"

I blinked trying to shake away the feeling and nodded

"Damn it Kim Mingyu, for how long?"

I couldn't answer that, I didn't know, but it was long enough for my legs to feel like jelly.

"S-shua I'm s-so co-old"
Correction, I was freezing, I was shivering and I couldn't move much. I felt Joshua wrap his arms around me and soon reached over to get a blanket and wrapped it all around me.

"Don't worry kiddo, I'm sure DK will knock some sense into him, nothing's going to happen I promise, he probably just wanted to give you a hard time for taking his car key, his Ferrari is basically his baby"

Joshua tried to console me but I knew better, that wasn't the reason why I was under the famous Kim Mingyu's radar, maybe what I did last night started it but it wasn't particularly the reason why he trapped me like he did.

A moment later and DK joined us

"Did you talk to him?" Joshua asked rushing his Mate to come closer

"Yeah I did, there's nothing to worry about he's just marking his territory" DK said with a warm smile

But I knew better

I glance up at him "T-hank you"

"Let's be careful from now on, no more VIP services for you ... for now at least"

Joshua shook his head in disbelief "Do you need to go home?"
Joshua was more empathetic and his care felt like a Luna, I appreciated his presence so much

I nodded

"Get scented okay?" Joshua suggested, an Omega is usually scented, first by his parents, and then by his Mate, if any. If not, then an older family member or someone who cared enough about him to do it.

Scenting was very simple, a simple skin to skin motion, usually cheek to cheek, an Alpha would erase any other scents that the Omega might have encountered during the day. Basically they'll be washing away all the other scents stuck on the Omega.

It's emotionally very soothing and reinforcing, carrying an Alpha's scent makes the Omega feel safer, it pushes away unwanted Alphas's attention away and simply made them feel like they belonged somewhere and reminded them that they had a family.

But I didn't have anyone.
I haven't been scented in years and I'm starting to forget how it felt like.

Since the incident, I've been scented a couple of times ... and it was all the doctor's doings, to calm me down they said, to heal, they tried to make feel safer.
But that never actually worked.

I nodded to Joshua's suggestion knowing exactly that it won't happen any time soon, but I really could need a day off. I needed to go home and nest in my little bed, surrounded by the things I liked and calmed me down.
Dusting Mingyu's scent off me won't be easy, heck his scent might stay for days. I didn't know what to do, I needed to get scented to dust it off but ... who might actually do it for me?

I glanced back at Joshua and DK before leaving, I can't ask them, it's completely inappropriate. They are my bosses, even if they were nice, I can't possibly ask for such a thing, I already got them into so much trouble as it is ... and unlucky me it was with Kim Mingyu.

I wish someone could scent me right now, I don't feel safe not even in my own nest. I sprayed my favorite perfume all around it just to keep my mind and senses off Mingyu's musky scent ... and off his offer but it didn't work.

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