7. Terms & Conditions 2

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The last thing Wonwoo expected was to be sitting side by side with the Mafia Lord, Kim Mingyu, going through ... terms and conditions of their Fake relationship.

"You'll be under my watch and protection at all times, I'll need to know where you are and what you're doing, whom you're meeting and what so on"

Wonwoo didn't know many people, he won't be meeting anyone anyways, he will have no problem telling Mingyu his whereabouts ... the the idea of someone caring about these details was actually nice

He nodded

"In public, you'll have behave and actually show that we are close, you need to know more about me in case questions come up, Seungcheol will hand you a file, memorize it well"

Wonwoo nodded again

"I will be attending social and business events from time to time, you are ought to be there by side"

Wonwoo nodded

"Just look pretty and you'll be fine"

Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu with a worried expression

"Well you know? My Omega, fake or not, has to be pretty all the time right?" Mingyu stopped briefly to scan the younger's face, he then extended his hand and tried to touch his cheek. Wonwoo flinched and backed away immediately, but soon, he felt Mingyu's fingertips gently brushing over his cheek and swollen lips

"These bruises have to go though ... you might be my fake Omega, but I surely don't like having bruises on you"

Their eye contact didn't last long and Mingyu backed away shortly after

"We might have to share a room" he announced almost unbothered "I'll see how the arrangements will be like" Mingyu casually mentioned like it was no big deal.
Wonwoo never had a partner before, he's never been with an Alpha before and was never claimed before, sharing the same bed with Mingyu was a little overwhelming, he didn't know what to expect

"You be good for a couple of years and then, you can leave the country if you want ... I'll make sure you're all taken cared of"

Wonwoo didn't want to leave the country, but it all depended on what's going to happen the next couple of years. Maybe he'll end up hating this place and would want to leave as far as possible... or worse, what if he'll like it? What if he didn't want to leave Mingyu's protection.

Wonwoo nodded one more time

"Is there anything you'd like to discuss?"

Wonwoo had a million other question but ...

"Will there be a wedding?"

"Most probably, but definitely not anytime soon, my deadline is the end of the year so we will announce our engagement in a couple of months and decide from there"

He nodded
"Will you have to mark me?"

Shit !
Mingyu didn't think about that.

An Omega must be claimed by his Alpha.

An Alpha's bite would mark him as his own territory and would tell the world that Wonwoo belonged to Mingyu and only a crazy suicidal person would think about approaching or hurting him. It's usually a very private and an intimate moment but would it in their case ?

"Maybe ... I haven't thought about it"

Even Mingyu knew that ... yes, if he really wanted everyone to actually believe this fake relationship they were displaying, Mingyu will eventually have to mark Wonwoo.

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