2. The Offer

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Wonwoo's shift ended as normal, he didn't see DK after that and simply continued with his tasks. The night ended and Wonwoo walked home peacefully ... just a typical day at the bar.

In his small studio, Wonwoo finally laid down, he let out a loud sigh and closed his eyes for a while, his entire body hurt and his eyelids burned, it was another busy night and he just wanted to sleep the soreness away.

He smiled when a face came across his mind, that Alpha at the bar tonight. Wonwoo thought he was so attractive and that his scent was very addictive but soon, his mile faded away ... his heart clenched, an Alpha like him will definitely reject Wonwoo in a split if a second if he knew what the younger was hiding. It's true that he showed some interest in him tonight but that's just the alcohol and once the daylight comes, he will most definitely forget about  him.

Wonwoo took a shaky breath, he promised himself not to cry anymore, it's been a while since he did but he couldn't help it and slept with tears trailing down his face.

Lucky for him,
Or maybe, unlucky for him, that Alpha didn't forget about him.

When Wonwoo reported to the bar the next afternoon for his shift as usual, DK was surprised to see him

"Wonwoo ... Hi" the older blinked a few times before he realized the look on Wonwoo's face.

"Oh Hi boss, I already arranged the tables on that side, and I will refill the tanks soon"

DK simply looked at the boy "Wonwoo" his voice suddenly soft and gentle "Are you okay? I understand if you don't want to be  here anymore, no pressure kid, I'll pay you in full if you'd like"

Wonwoo tilted his head to the side, a cute confused look was painted all over his face
"I'm sorry?"

DK took a step back to analyze the situation for a second "I mean ... last night, I sent you to the VIP section"

"Yes boss, you did, I took care of it ... did someone complain about me?"

DK went silent for a bit "N-no not really" he frowned and he better ask what happened exactly because this Omega was making him feel impatient "Wonwoo what did you do exactly when I sent you there?"

"Auhm ..." how could he forget that face? Wonwoo could give DK a description long enough to write a book "I was about to take his order, he was drunk and said a few things, so I took his keys and ordered him a cab home"

"WHAT?" DK bursted and Wonwoo flinched, DK was still an Alpha and his voice would most definitely make an imprint on an unclaimed Omega like Wonwoo.

The boy whined uncontrollably, his eyes were wide and a scared just like a small puppy, confused and frightened "Did I do something wrong?"

"Wonwoo do you have any idea who that guy was?"

Wonwoo stood there baffled "Not really"

"Kim Mingyu ... that was freaking Kim Mingyu, the Mafia guy, the next in line to the Bloody Roses Mafia? and you took away his keys and ordered him a cab home?"

DK announced in one breath, one part shocked and the other part amused and ... damn proud.

Wonwoo froze, he felt like his body was  drained out of blood, and for a few moments, he stopped breathing.

"Kid, I must say you have some nerves on you, HA" DK said trying to suppress a laugh but couldn't, completely taken aback with what the young Omega just said he did.

He finally noticed the way Wonwoo's lungs were going out of air "Relax kid, I've never been this proud of an employee before in my life, you're safe here ... go on, finish up we are opening soon"

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