1 - Out Of The Frying Pan

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Japan. The Land of The Rising Sun. It's home to others, but it's a stomping ground for the Kaiju that invade the country on a daily basis. In order to combat these humongous and deadly creatures, the Japan Anti Kaiju Defense Force is organized. Only the best of the best are able to join, otherwise they will be dead weight on duty.

You on the other hand, are far from being that. Out of every trainee that applied to join the force, most of them failed while you passed with flying colors. Being in a military family did favors for you in many more ways than one. In the process of staying at boot camp, you've ended up meeting Cameron Maccloud. But you're used to calling her Cammie.

Currently, you're a 18 year old Officer in the Third Division that's more used to being on the frontlines than being cooped up in a facility. You're wearing the standard suit that's built to fight kaiju, and it's gotten you out of more scrapes than you can remember.

A JAKDF helicopter flies through the air as thunderstorms crack in the dark sky, the raindrops land on every inch of the moving aircraft. A small group of 4 are inside, armed to the death and all. One of them looks to you, a black haired girl with golden eyes and a small scar on her lip.

Tatami: Y/N, mind telling the others what we're getting ourselves into?

Y/N: There's been a sighting of a kaiju. But thankfully for us, it's at human height.

Shiro: Yeah, less headaches for me. Cammie, you think it'll be this easy?

Cammie: Shiro, lad, Y/N's packing a high caliber rifle that can shoot through steel.

Tatami takes a look at your rifle.

She then whistles

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She then whistles.

Tatami: He's not exactly lacking in the firepower department, god damn.

Shiro: Yeah.

You flick your rifle upwards, the scope situating itself in the middle of the gun as the holographic sight folds down.

Y/N: I'm ready for what's next. Besides, we all should be.

Cammie: We definitely are, Y/N.

Silence grows.

Y/N: What are you guys gonna do after we take care of this little problem?

Tatami: Oh you know. Take my niece out to a buffet with my sister, they deserve to eat good.

Shiro: Haha. Don't we all?

Suddenly, rapid beeping is heard.

Pilot: Projectiles incoming!

The pilot and co-pilot attempt to shake the projectiles, but even their best skills aren't enough. One of the acidic projectiles hit the side of the aircraft, melting right through the steel, and Shiro. Shiro screams in pain as the acid melts through his body, blood and guts slumping down the seat.

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