9 - Under Flames

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Moments later, Kafka is walking around on the rooftop, seeking to have time for himself. However he then notices the winged kaiju on the roof which causes him to raise an eyebrow. Looking closely, he then sees the kaiju swoop down on Tachikawa Base. 

Kafka: What the-

The kaiju slam themselves onto the ground like asteroids. Destroying many buildings and the like as many explosions are caused. 

You, Cammie, and Kikoru are instantly sitting up.

Y/N: The hell?

Just as you're about to swap into your kaiju form, Cammie holds your arm stopping your transforming as your kaiju skin sinks back into your human skin.

Cammie: Whatever you do, do not swap in your kaiju form! We really don't need the rest of The Force finding out about it, honey.

You nod. Cammie kisses your cheek, but then get to your feet, your battle suit shifting onto your body as you step outside the room while Cammie and Kikoru get to suiting up too. Cammie quickly gets over to Nugget and powers him on. He beeps.

Cammie: We're under attack, little guy! Get to perchin'!

Nugget hops on Cammie's shoulder. As you step out, an engineer hands you your rifle, you take it, already heading out the door. 

Other Officers are waken up as well while the kaiju continue to suicide themselves against the ground causing more and more explosions. They quickly gear up.

Hoshina hears the sounds, and quickly dials up Konomi on his laptop.

Hoshina: Operation Room! Sitrep now!

Konomi: Vice Captain, we've got dozens of kaiju on the base! From what we know, they're attacking the HQ from the air! 

Red blips appear, each blip means a new kaiju.

Fortitude Readings; 6.1, 6.3, 6.2, 6.5... Every single one of these are Honju class!

As the Honju start to take flight and cause more damage to the base, the unarmed staff members around the base start to yell in fear.

And with that, Hoshina instantly gets to action heading out the building, his finger to his earpiece.

Hoshina: Hoshina here. The Captain's off base right now. I will be taking command of our defense. Anyone who's on night watch, report to battle stations now. Muster any and all off-duty officers asap. All personnel, prepare for combat. Lure as many as you can into the training area! Make damn sure none of them get off base! And if Kaiju X is here, shoot on sight!

Hoshina walks amongst rushing Officers who are heading outside. 

Meanwhile, Kafka is still on top of the rooftop.

Kafka: A coordinated attack against the Defense Force? No... no no no! 

Kafka looks to see nearly the entire base on flames. On top of the wyvern kaiju flying around in the air like hungry vultures waiting to fly down and eat anyone.

Kafka: Wyvern types? Those are about nasty as it gets! If there's wyvern types here... this can't be right. 

Hoshina is assembled with you, Cammie, Aoi, Haruichi, and other Officers. 

Hoshina: Assemble everyone with firearms at the center of the base. We'll lure in these winged bastards and fill em with bullets. 

Officer: Roger!

The Officers all take off.

Cammie: Fuckin' hell, we really gotta have a holographic shield over this place, an' fry these fuckers past the point of bein' crisp.

Y/N: You and me, Cams.

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