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'Huh am I dreaming or what?' is what I thought to see THAT person in my house.

'NO' my subconscious told me.

It's her. Definitely her. In her all-covered hijab and modest dress again.

'ASTAGHFIRULLAH have some shame Aayat she's Na-Mehram' I scolded myself. And I turned around looking at myself in the side mirror.

But Allah knows I don't have bad thought about her.

But how is she at my house?


This is happening so OUT OF NOWHERE. There was nothing till yesterday. But here I'm with my parents who are grinning asking if I would like to look forward to this Proposal.

I don't know. But yes, I have dreamed about getting married when Allah has planned. But this was random.

Suddenly a face of this person flash through my mind. 'Astaghfirullah' I said to my nafs.
How could I think of him and why. NO

But let's see who and how this guy and his family is.

''If only they are ready to accept me with my Hijab. That's my only demand and if you guys are happy with the proposal I have no issues''

''They saw you in your hijab itself and they do accept it I guess'' said mama.

''Okay... Who is it? Do I know them? '' I asked nervously not looking at my parents.

''Yes. You do.'' Said papa while looking for something in his phone. Which was the photo and biodata of the guy, I guess.

Then gave me his phone to look. And a gasp was just about to leave my mouth, but I stopped it.

''AAYAT'' said my parents.


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