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It's been around a month or so we visited Ali Uncle and their family. And this time went out in a blur for me.
I had a seminar to attend in Thanjavur which made me wasted. And the few days I got free was already getting over. I have this last week to enjoy my leave until I'll have to stay in the lab for hours or days.

But guess what mama did. Invite guest when you are home so that I dont miss out the FUN (sarcasm).

So the guest are Ali uncle and his family.
And Mahi won't stop her teasing even till now.
'Yaa Allah what did I do to get a sister like her'
I asked internally.

She would random go to mama saying "Mama look Appi isn't helping me memorize these Aayats" And my sweet mama would scold me to help her. Who will tell her that her youngest daughter isn't inoccent.
And she never calls me 'Appi' unless she needs something from me.

And now when I'm preparing things to welcome then I could see her gaze on me from the corner of my eyes.

It's almost 12 pm when I was done with most of the food stuff and some refrigeration was needed for desserts and Mahi would handle it so I left to change in some good clothes and fixed my hijab neatly.

When I came out Mahi smirks seeing me and I glared at her.

I dont get compliments, like almost never. But being someone who's not so good in between a beautiful mother and a gorgeous sister you get overshadowed everytime. Like Everytime. And the things which made me realize was from my own parents. Just like right now papa appreciating and complementing Mahi for her dress and looks but not me. Times like this mades me sad.

But I put aside this because I love my sister. And I dont want my Lord to be unhappy with me because I hate my own sister.

But I put up a smile trying to forget these thoughts and focus on day.

Uncle aunty arrived with others and bhai was also here and I guess the boys would get along like mama says.

Sufi was much silent as last time. Mama and aunty were mostly talking about marriage and stuff as Sufi's marriage was 4 months and how everything feels to go in a hurry.
But I could see Sufi blush a lil on mention of it.
I guess she is happy with the things and likes the person too.
We ladies were in the living room where as uncle and papa were in the garden area and bhai took Aayat and Samar bhai to masjid as it was zuhoor time.

I came to my room to prayason well and Mahi with Sufi also came and we prayed together.
ALHAMDULILLAH it feels good when you have prayer buddies.

As we were back mama asked us to set the table for lunch as the gents were all here.

During lunch everyone were busy talking and having food. And I could see Bhai and Samar bhai getting along and having fun.
'How do I know that' you ask. Well they both have the same personality for the time I have seen today. And seeing Samar Bhai last time. They both make jokes and most of the talks.

After lunch we were all sitting in the living room and later we bought the desserts to enjoy.

''Wow the Kunafa is yum.. Where did you order it from? " Asked Samar bhai. "Just from the kitchen" Replied bhai in a sarcastic tone "LOL Khurath made it so yes kitchen haha" He said continuing.

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