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'Huh am I dreaming or what?' is what I thought to see THAT person in my house.

'NO' my subconscious told me.

It's her. Definitely her. In her all-covered hijab and modest dress again.

'ASTAGHFIRULLAH have some shame Aayat she's Na-Mehram' I scolded myself. And I turned around looking at myself in the side mirror and thought of the day I saw her.


I don't like these extravagant functions. It's not my things.

But who will tell Abbu this.

'No one' mocked my subconscious.

"Get ready, the function is for lunch not for dinner" said Abbu hurried to get there.

It's a wedding of his friend's daughter whom I have never seen. But guess what I should go coz Abbu warned us 'if you guys' skip, it won't be a good thing' so here we are getting ready for it.

I don't like these functions is because how people dress, and ladies don't do much parda. I'm not saying for them to do it for anyone but for themselves. I even asked my mother and sister to do some parda but they won't listen, but still, they should because the way these men watch the opposite gender I myself can't get over it. So, I just lower my gaze.

We'll all ready and at the venue at 12.30pm as Nikah was after Zuhoor. So, we prayed namaz and came after the Nikah to function hall.
And I hurried towards the men section with my brother and Suhail. Who is one of my friends and our fathers are also friends.

As we were having refreshment after lunch where the ladies and men have no separate column, so they just go as it is. I just stood at a corner waiting for Samar to bring me some cold drink. My gaze went towards a green veil. But I stopped myself from looking forward.

Suhail was a fun guy. He has his own hardware shop is the town. We don't usually meet much but it's cool when we do.
And he always has this thing of commenting on every single thing going around. Which he was doing right now and making us laugh.

''Look that uncle's pan is all over his face" he said showing his hand towards the left.
I turned to look at him, but my gaze went towards the green veil and the person wearing it. It wasn't a veil but a hijab. All covered and the dress was nowhere to show here body type.
'Astaghfirullah Aayat lower your gaze' I said to myself and turned towards my guys. But unconsciously I mind would go back to that woman.
The whole function I was distracted by that woman which I shouldn't be. But I felt some kind of attraction towards her.

Maybe because she was just like the ideal image of the person, I want in my Mehram.
And I knew this might be the 1st and the last time I would see her. Because I don't know who she is or where she is from.

-Flashback end-

It was her. It has to be.

But how is she in my house? I thought before recalling the early talks.

'So, she is the daughter of Abbu's friend'

'She might have attended the function as we did' I concluded.

'But why was I concluding these?' I asked myself and hurried to change.

"Assalamualaikum" I said going towards the living room and went towards the man sitting with Abbu and held my hand out.

"Waalaiiumsalam beta. So, you are Aayat. Your Abbu talked allot about you" he said taking my hand.

"Yes, Uncle it's nice to meet you. Abbu also talks about you and your times" I said going towards Samar to sit beside him.

As I entered, I could see she was facing towards me but later she had turned towards her mother and Ammi. But I didn't look at her side as it wasn't good.

The talks were going on and I was also answering in middle if asked about any.
I got to know that Abbu and Aleem uncle were great friends from childhood. Aleem uncle was also in same situation as us in many things. Like they both have lost much of their wealth from their stupid investments and all, but I just shrugged off knowing very well about it. As seeing Abbu going through all the hardship and struggles even after having money but failing to make use of it.
Aleem uncle has a son who was the same age as Samar, but he couldn't come.

It was the Isha Azaan when I got up and excused myself from them.

As I came back, I saw the table for dinner was setting and was going to help Sufi with it but SHE was there with her sister. So, I just looked for something else to do.

We had dinner separately. And it was near 11 pm they were leaving as It would be late for them to reach Mysore.

It was a nice day having people until you have to clean everything up...

After this Sufi got us some tea. And I was thankful to her for this...

Ammi and Abbu were talking about Aleem uncle's family when we joined them.

"I liked Aleem uncle's humor" said Samar being an extrovert liking everyone.

"Yes, he is always like this" Replied Abbu.

"And Sufiya Bhabhi was friendly, and I also liked the girls" said Ammi to which Sufi nodded.

"Yes, Aleem told me his elder daughter was doing some kind of research and youngest was in economic major" "Yes Khurath was a little silent like Sufi but did talk about herself later on. But Mahira was all talkative" replied Ammi.

"But Khurath was friendly Ammi. She also helped me set the table. And I think she's much religious, she didn't miss her namaz" Sufi mention which made my ears perk up.

"Yeah, and also when I was talking to aunty Mahira also did some small talk, but she didn't look at me once, so I didn't chat with her," said Samar. He talks to everyone elders youngers and with confidence I guess that's the perks of being extrovert is like.
But I did like how he spoke of Her.

'Khurath' 'Khurath.. That's her name' repeated my subconscious

But I didn't give it a thought and stayed there for some time then left for my room to sleep.

It was Monday tomorrow and who likes it anyway. But still work needs to be done anyways. So, I tried to sleep.

But my mind won't let me sleep. I was having random thoughts of Her. I shouldn't think of her at this time. No not this time but every time. It's not good.

'But she might be it,' said my subconscious.

'But it's only the 2nd time I have seen her'

'But what if she really is The One as I am attracted to her'

'But what if it's not possible'

'What if she's engaged?'

'No if it was the case Ammi would have talked about it'

'But why would they talk about that'

'Is it ok if I talk about this with Ammi'

'But Sufi's marriage is around the corner'

'Let's see what happens'....

But these thoughts I slept...

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