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It's dinner and Khurath is here. I was surprised when she came along with Ammi and Sufi. I just couldn't focus on driving. I felt happy.
I listen to her and Sufi, but I didn't want to make it obvious. And i wanted some alone time so I dropped them off and left for Namaz.

It was after Isha when I came back. Abbu and Samar were at home by then. They were busy with their own chats.
Ammi and Abbu were in the living area with Samar talking about the guests to invite when I entered. I couldn't find Sufi and Khurath, but I figured it out that they were in her room.

Ammi called them as it was dinner time. We are having the dinner when I noticed that they were talking and giggling. I could hear that. I found them close and more friendly than ever. I haven't seen Sufi this close with anyone. Which is a good thing.

Later they served some dessert which was great. And I knew she had made it. Then Ammi confirmed it by appreciating. All liked the dessert she made, and Samar said he became a fan of her cooking. To which we heard a small jazakallah.

I went to my room after that as I had a case to study. And I don't want to be more distracted.

It's around 9.30pm when I looked at the watch. And I'm craving chai. And I don't want to disturb Ammi with it. And Sufi might also be with Her.

Ammi Abbu are talking in the living room. So, I just went to kitchen. There is no one here I can make myself a great cup of Chai.

But I remember telling Mahira to make her chai when she visits us again, but I guess Khurath would be the 1st to taste it.

'But she likes coffee' I remembered.

'And I'm not doing this to impress her or anything' I reminded myself.
It's just a refreshment I make for my family now and then. So, it won't be a problem, I guess.

I made chai for everyone and coffee for her. I called Samar to come to kitchen which he did.

"Take these to Sufi's room and come to living room I'll take your cup of chai with me" I said handing him 2cups and showing the tray I picked.

"You could have given it yourself bhai or just call Sufi to take it" he said signing.
"She's not alone for me to go to her room and I'm not calling her out" I said going out of the kitchen.

I gave Ammi Abbu chai and left to my room as I still had to finish the case study.

'Will she like the coffee? Is to her liking?'

'Yaa Allah why am I thinking about her again' I said to myself about my lingering thoughts.

I heard Ammi call me, so I were to check.

"Ammi you called me?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Yes beta. But it's ok nothing to worry. You go finish your work" she said.

"Oh, ok but why did you call me anyway?" I asked again not getting what happened.

"Aree... Khurath was insisting to go back, but it's late, so I asked her to stay. But she was refusing so I tried calling Sufiya Bhabhi and she wasn't picking, so I called you so that you could go drop her off. But Bhabhi called on time and I insisted her to let Khurath stay with us. And she agreed. So, I said there was nothing"
Said explained.

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