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I don't know how to describe my day. I was fun and great but still it's awkward to stay at someone's house for the 1st time without my parents or siblings and I felt like the 1st night I spent in hostel away from my home.

We had good time during dinner, and everybody liked the dessert I made. Samar bhai even said he became a fan of my cooking. Allah I was so embarrassed.

After the dinner I insisted to leave but aunty and Sufi won't let me leave. They even called Mama. And I was hoping for her to say no but she didn't, and I had to stay.

We were mostly in Sufi's room. I talked mostly and Sufi also did. We were talking about our past friendships and college life etc.
I talk allot when I get comfortable ha-ha.

After some time, Samar bhai came with 2 cups, a chai and a coffee.
I thought aunty had made some. But Sufi said it was not aunty but her brother.

I had to stop myself from smiling. 'Why did he made me a coffee when they all have chai...
I.. '
'I'm just over thinking this' I said to myself and slept.

I woke up at Fajr. I tried waking Sufi, but she won't wake up just like Mahi. So I just had to pray alone.

After prayer I read Quraan as it's my daily routine. I have my Quraan at my place but here I thought I'll just use my phone.

It was silent when I came to kitchen for some water and TBH coffee because it's my daily routine. I need coffee every day. But I don't want to use anything here because It'll look like I'm sneaking around which I don't want.
And I didn't hear anyone, so I thought everyone was asleep.

But to my clumsy hand. Allah. The glass slipped through my hand, and I immediately caught it. It made just one sound which was enough to wake a light sleeper. But thankful no one woke up. Shukr Alhamdulillah.

But I saw a figure at the entrance. I froze for a second before looking at it. I thought it was a ghost. Allah.
But it wasn't. And after knowing who it was, I froze again. My heartbeat got faster. I thought my heart was beating in my ears.

'Ya rabbi. Why did I make that slip? Did I wake him up? What if he scolds me? I should apologize before that' I thought, and I did.

"Assalamualaikum. I'm sorry if I woke you up"
I said not looking at him.
After a minute or so he replied
"Waalaikumsalam. Oh..no.. No I just came from namaz" he said

'Masha Allah' I said to myself.

'I have to tell him why I was here or else what will he think. Ya Allah, don't make me look bad'

"I was just here for water, I... I didn't want to wake Sufi up..." I said fidgeting my fingers I don't know what to do. I'm nervous.

"Hmm ok" he said, and I was thinking of asking if I could make coffee also, but would it be rude to ask.
'But it's just a coffee' 'would he say no?'
'I have to ask 1st to know the answer'

"Can I make some coffee if you don't mind? I don't wasn't to invade your kitchen without...permission and others are asleep... So... " I said when I saw him going and to his back.

"You don't have to ask" he said and went to his room.

'Yaa Rab Shukr, he didn't say no'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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