Chapter 1

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It had been two days since our escape from Loguetown. The storm passed and the sky was clear as far as the eye could see. The sun was warm and bright and the waves were gentle. It was a perfect day for a nap.

I sat against the cabin wall, my swords at my side and my hands behind my head. The salty sea breeze brushed over my skin and ruffled my hair. I breathed it in deeply and sighed, tilting my face up to the warm sunlight bathing the deck.

Unfortunately, my moment of peace was interrupted when one of my crewmates, Nami, stormed across the deck toward me. "Zoro, get up. Now," She said in an annoyed tone. I cracked my left eye open and looked up at the copper-haired woman glaring down at me with her harsh brown eyes. She stood with her hands on her hips and her feet apart. She was wearing a light blue tank top with a darker blue diamond pattern and a small, dark blue heart in the center of her chest. Her skirt was dark navy blue with light yellow circles on the sides and stopped just above mid-thigh. On her feet and ankles were a pair of her strappy, brown sandals.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm sleeping?" I grumbled, leaning forward and glaring up at her.

She crossed her arms and glared back, "I'm calling a crew meeting."

"Yeah, whatever," I yawned and leaned back against the wooden wall.

"Crew includes you, too. Now get your lazy ass in gear!" She screeched, landing a solid kick on my side to emphasize her point.

"Alright! I'm going, I'm going!" I waved her foot away and stood, strapping my swords to my haramaki. She led the way up the stairs to the kitchen while I followed, muttering curses under my breath.

Once inside, I noticed the rest of the crew had already gathered. Sanji was by the stove, overdressed as usual. He was cooking up some kind of dessert by the smell of it. Luffy and Usopp were sitting at the table, apparently trying to lick their own elbows.

"Thee! I thold yoo it waz ithosoble!" Usopp sputtered with his tongue sticking out as far as it could go and his arm craned back.

Luffy laughed as he stretched his rubber tongue over and around his extended arm, "I tan do it!" Usopp screamed in fear at the inhuman sight, causing Luffy to laugh harder. I shook my head, both disappointed and amused by their childish antics.

Nami walked up to them, a look of annoyance crossing her face, "Knock it off, you two! We need to discuss-"

"Nami~swan!" Sanji interrupted her. He danced to her side with a tray of golden squares. His eyes were longingly looking at her with his lips set in a dumb smile as he offered her the desserts, "I made you some peanut butter and caramel tarts; an assortment of sweets for my sweet!"

I could not help but roll my eyes at his stupid line, "Dumbass."

He glared at me, his cigarette smoking out of the corner of his mouth, "What was that, Marimo?"

I glared right back, "I called you a 'dumbass,' Curlybrow!" He always taunts me about my naturally green hair, but someone with such a screwed-up eyebrow should not be picking on other people's appearances.

"Guys, I'm serious!" Nami cut in as we sent daggers at each other from across the small room. "I just went through our inventory, and there is no way we can go to the Grand Line with how little we have."

"What are you talking about, Nami?" Luffy asked, looking over at the navigator with a confused frown.

"There are just not enough supplies in stock, Captain," Nami said.

"Didn't we just resupply at Lougetown not two days ago?" I asked.

Sanji glared at me, "Shitty Marimo, if my beautiful Nami-san says we don't have enough supplies then we don't have enough supplies!"

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