Chapter 22

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We sailed all day with no sign of any land on the horizon. By nightfall, we had to drop anchor. Usopp took the first watch, waking me early the next morning to finish the shift so he could get some rest. As our sniper, he had the best eyes and was usually on the job of looking for land. We needed him doing that now more than ever, so I did not mind finishing the night watch for him.

As the sun began to rise, clouds rolled in and snow fell in fat flakes. The dawn was quiet and serene. It settled my nerves from being worried about Nami.

The silence was broken when the door to the storage room opened. I looked down from my place at the crow's nest to the white hair of the blind woman as she stepped onto the deck.

"You're up early," I called down to her. Her head whipped around toward my voice. I started to climb down as she walked over to me. She was wearing a deep purple jacket with four large yellow buttons. Her blue jeans were long and she had tucked the cuffs into her boots so she would not step on them. She wore her family sash coiled around her neck as a scarf. As I got closer, I noticed that the cold air had already bit at her ears and nose, turning them a faint pink.

"I thought that was you, swordsman," Large bags hung under her closed eyes and she gave me a tired smile, "And I've actually been up for a few hours. Vivi and I took turns keeping watch over Nami."

I crossed my arms, concern lowering my voice, "How is she?"

The blind woman lost her smile and sighed, "Not good. Her fever won't go down, but it isn't climbing anymore either. Vivi just woke up and is taking care of her now."

"You should get some sleep then," I cautioned her in a stern voice, "We'll be moving again soon and there's no telling what we might face when we reach the next island."

Kaori gave me a playful smirk, "Think you need my help, swordsman?"

I scoffed, "No, I just don't want to be bothered trying to save your ass when you fall asleep and get yourself in trouble."

She shook her head, "I'll be fine. I plan to take a nap later," She blew warm air into her hands and rubbed them together, "How are your legs? They aren't hurting in the cold, are they?"

I frowned, remembering what she had said before about feeling guilty. Before I could stop myself, I grabbed her shoulders and held her at arm's length, "Kaori, don't worry about my legs. It was not your fault. I made the choice to cut them and I did it because I wanted to protect you," I felt my cheeks flush as I corrected myself, "And the others."

The blind woman seemed stunned before her lips curled into a scowl, "I want to protect my crewmates too. That's why I'm trying to help you make a full recovery. Stop shutting me out, Roronoa!" She pushed my arms apart to knock my hands off of her shoulders before she stormed into the storage room. Barely a minute passed before she was back out and carrying a small bundle under her arm. As she neared me, she threw the blanket at my face, "Take that up to the crow's nest with you. It's freezing out here!"

With a dismissive wave, Kaori turned and angrily walked back into the storage room to make her way below deck to the girl's room. I stared at the door for a long time before glaring at the blanket in my hands. With a sigh, I wrapped it around my shoulders, annoyed with how happy I was for the guard against the cold.

I made my way back up to the crow's nest to wait until the guys woke up. Sanji was the first one out and he did not even glance at me before quickly making his way into the kitchen to make breakfast. He was not in there for a full ten minutes before he came back out. His hands were full carrying trays of freshly cut fruit down to the girl's room, calling out to Nami to see if she was alright.

The Blind Brawler [ Roronoa Zoro X OC]Where stories live. Discover now