A Demon was Born

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Welcome to my first chapter of The Alter! This series basically involves my OC (Dark, quite the name I know) in the Phighting! universe and my vision of how things would turn out. There will be quite a few chapters to this series, so stay tuned. I hope you guys enjoy!! :)
(fun fact: my OC is inspired by the roblox game Black Magic...iykyk!!)

(Art cover from heyclar4 on Pinterest)





The demon was sitting on her legs, her hands pressed against the cold, concrete ground. She shifted herself up slowly, looking around at the environment around her. As she looked around, she could spot what seemed to be a letter right beside her. She picks up the letter, her eyes scanning the letter.

"Welcome Dark, we are pleased to have you here! We know this might be of confusion to you as to what is happening. You have been brought here today into our world, known as The Inphinity. Each demon that is born is gifted with a special ability or gear. You have been gifted the ability to heal..."

Dark's expression warms up. Knowing that she has the ability to heal, she felt a sense of purpose ensue her. She then continued reading.

"...however, due to unfortunate circumstances in the process of your birth, you have been born with a curse. We do not know any details regarding this curse and are unaware of the effects it may have against you."

Her expression falls as her eyes immediately widen from this. A curse? And she didn't even know what it could do to her? Her mind raced with thoughts, trying to process the fact that she was given a curse. She tried to pull herself together before continuing to read the letter.

"We should also inform you that you have been assigned a region to go to. Each demon gets assigned a region at birth. Your assigned region is Blackrock. You will be taken there via bus route. Please provide your ticket, which is on the back of this letter, to the driver once you enter the bus. Once you arrive, you will have your own personal apartment and necessities needed to treat yourself with. Nonetheless, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!"

Once she finished reading, she flipped the letter over. Her eyes landed on the ticket that was attached onto the back. With a careful grasp, she carefully peels it off the back of the letter. Her mind was still racing. The weight of both her unknown curse on top with going to a whole new region that she didn't know what to expect. It was all overwhelming to her, but she eventually mustered up the will to push herself up from the ground and made her way to the nearest bus stop. Her mind was still so scatterbrained with questions, but she had to regain her focus. She had to find the bus stop quickly. 

As she finally arrived at the bus stop, Dark was greeted by a group of demons who appeared to be around her age, perhaps a year or two older. She waited in line to board the bus, clutching onto the ticket in her hand, her mind still reeling about the curse and her heading to a new area. As she was dozing off, she was jolted back to into reality as a demon behind her yells at her to move forward. Startled by the demon's voice, she jumped forward, now entering the bus, feeling quite uneasy about what laid ahead.


As she settled into the window seat on the bus, Dark rested her head against the cool glass, watching the many buildings that passed by. Her mind was constantly racing with worry until the gentle rocking of the bus and the soft whirl of the engine eventually soothed her, making her drift away into a slumber.

Moments later, the sudden jolt of the brakes quickly snapped her eyes open as she awakened. She lifts her head away from the window, immediately being greeted by mounds of snow outside. As the bus came to a full stop, Dark gets up from her seat, rolling her head around to stretch out the stiffness in her neck before making her way off the bus.

Her feet immediately sink into the snow reaching up to her shins. She gets greeted by the sharp, cold air, making her shiver. The hot mist from her breath would escape her mouth as she trudges through the snow to find her apartment. On her way to the apartment, Dark couldn't help but to admire the bright neon lights that brought life to the region, along with the dark, tall snowy mountains that surrounded them. It was beautiful to her.

Dark scanned the area, her eyes in search of a sign. She finally spotted a bright neon red sign that read "Blackrock Apartments" in huge letters. She approached the main entrance, appreciating the freshly salted parking lot. She walked past a row of doors, skimming from one to the next to try and find her name. They were nice enough to at least label the doors by name. After a few minutes of searching, she finally spotted the door with her name on it: "Dark".

She raised her hand up to the scanner, watching the soft green light bounce up and down as it scanned her hand. The scanner then beeped, confirming her handprint and opened the door for her. Her eyes widened, impressed by the technology in this region.

She immediately made her way inside, and the warmth wrapped around her like a blanket. She felt so relieved as the chilling tension in her body slowly eased away. She'd shut the door behind her before taking a moment to observe the apartment, appreciating the cozy environment it had.

The first thing she wanted to do was get some rest, as exhaustion had already overcome her which was likely from all the stress. But before she could even do so, she spotted yet another letter on the kitchen counter. She walked over to the counter and picked up the letter, opening it up. Her eyes then trailed through the letter.

"Greetings from Blackrock Headquarters! We are pleased to have a new addition the Blackrockian family. As a new member to our region, you will be sure to enjoy your time here. We have many opportunities for Blackrockians alike here. We are a region built upon science and technology, with advancements being made every day!  If you are interested, we offer educational programs in technology, science, engineering, and more!  Join us for the first day of classes which will be tomorrow at 8am to 2pm at Blackrock's Science and Technology Center. The possibilities are endless here at Blackrock, and we would love to see you explore them! We hope to see you there!"

Dark rubbed her eyes before setting the letter down on the counter. She thought to herself for a moment, considering the opportunity of going to this school. "Maybe this can be the opportunity to learn more about my curse?"

Looks like she was going to have to be up bright and early tomorrow.

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