Let's Talk

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(cover by holly warburton, edits made by me)






Dark ran into her apartment and slammed the door shut behind her. She couldn't contain herself, she was nearing a mental breakdown. She sprinted towards her room and immediately crashes onto her bed with her face sinking into the pillow. Shortly after, she let out muffled screams as the intensity of her cries grew. She felt absolutely humiliated, a fool even. "I can't go back there.." she thought. She didn't want to suffer with the many judgements people likely had against her and prefers to be alone instead. 

Her cries then grew to wails, her hands clenching against the pillow, gasping for air in the midst of her cries. She had this crushing feeling in her chest as if it was suffocating her. She truly felt like a burden, the feeling consuming her until suddenly...

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Silenced filled the room as her cries now went to a halt. "Was I too loud?" was her first thought before she raised her head off the pillow, her eyes puffed up. With a heavy sigh, she swung herself over to the side of the bed and stood up, dragging her feet across the floor as she left her room. She raised her hand up to her face, wiping off the excess tears. It was pointless - whoever was behind that door likely heard her anyway, and it was obvious that she had been crying too. She sighs again before opening the door.

"I'm sorry if you heard me-" 

She immediately stops mid sentence, realizing who it was.

"Sorry to bother you, I just came here to return your bag. You left it in the classroom before you ran out." Medkit raised the bag, handing it over to her.

"O-Oh..thank you.." Dark took the bag from his grasp, holding onto it for the time being.

"Are you doing alright by the way? I know today must have been rough for you."

"Well, I think you know the answer just by looking at me." she wiped her nose with her hand, sniffling afterwards.

"I see. Mind if I come in, then?"

Dark was taken by surprise. Medkit wanting to come into her apartment? She never really had anyone here before, this was a first for her.

"Uh, sure I suppose."

Dark stepped out of the way, allowing Medkit to enter inside. She shuts the door behind him as they both made their way into the kitchen. Dark's kitchen was actually somewhat decent. She had a nice little square layout, with a bar complimenting one side of it with the addition of three cylindrical lights hanging above the bar, adding a nice warm glow. 

Medkit sat himself on one of the barstools while Dark made her way into the kitchen, heading towards the fridge to grab some waters for each other.

"Would you like one?" she asked Medkit, waving around the bottle of water in her hand.

"Sure, thank you."

She handed him the bottle of water before heading over to sit beside him and placed her bag down on the floor beside her.

"So, tell me what happened."

"I honestly don't even know myself. What happened today was never meant to happen. I just don't understand what went wrong." Dark sighed as her hands rubbed against her face in clear distress.

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