The First Day

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Welcome to chapter 2 eeheehe fhgbsjdfjhfgbfdjb

blblbblblblblb 🐟🐟🐟🐟

(Cover from no9166 on Pinterest)






The alarm clock was blaring, rattling the nightstand with its vibrations. Dark's hand reaches out towards the alarm clock to shut it off, groaning into her pillow as she shuffled around in her bed. She takes a moment to rub her eyes before slowly sitting herself up on the bed. Her gaze then shifts to the alarm clock, displaying that it was 6:30am.

"'s the first day." she muttered, feeling groggy from waking up.

She tossed the blankets off of herself and swung her legs over to the side of the bed, pushing herself off the bed as she drags her way to the bathroom. She flicks on the lights as she entered the bathroom, seeing her reflection in the mirror.

But there was something off that she noticed.

Her attention was immediately brought to her left arm, a shocked expression hitting her face. Dark grey markings were shown running down her entire arm, as if they were somehow engraved into her skin. The feeling of panic ensued her as her mind was racing with thoughts and questions.

"What the this?!" her voice trembled as she was running her fingers over the markings. They felt smooth, as if they were just a natural part of her skin. 

"Fuck- I have to get ready."

She immediately rushes to finish herself up in the bathroom and then runs over to her room, picking out clothes to wear for her first day. She decides to throw on a black long-sleeved turtleneck with black flared jeans and some grey winter boots, finishing off with a purple winter jacket. She then quickly grabs her bag from the desk and books it out of the apartment.

She's immediately met with the sharp cold air hitting her face. "Should've brought my scarf" she thought to herself, tightly gripping onto the straps of her bag as she trudges through the snow.

As Dark arrives at Blackrock's Science and Technology Center, a wave of anxiety washed over her. She had no idea what to expect, having to deal with new surroundings made her uneasy. She enters the building as her eyes scanned the area around her, seeing where she should go until she spots a table with two staff members that seemed to be handing out papers to other students. As she made her way to the table, one of the staff members greeted her with a warm smile, handing her a class schedule.

"Welcome to your first day of classes here at BSTC! We're excited to have you here." the staff member responded as Dark took the schedule.

"Thank you." Dark replied. She then examines the schedule. Her first class was "Intro to Medicine and Technology", so she starts making her way there. As she entered the classroom, she was struck with the overwhelming amount of students already seated at the desks. Each desk had three seats, which made Dark's stomach fill with butterflies knowing that she would have to sit with two strangers.

She decided to sit towards the back of the room, choosing a desk in the middle row. As she took her seat and set her bag down, she felt sick to her stomach. She took a deep breath, trying to shake the feelings off as she waited for the class to begin.

Dark shifts her gaze at the two people beside her. One was already in mid-conversation with the other student, neither of them noticing Dark. She immediately noticed the chatty student's voice was booming across the classroom as if they were some loudspeaker. She could already tell this one was going to be obnoxious. Eventually, the chatty one peered over, finally noticing her.

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