𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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Louis's POV:
I woke up by the covers being ripped off me and the cold air hitting my skin, i opened my eyes to see Zayn opening the curtains so the sun could shine through. "Mate what the fuck" i say groaning then i feel something move next to me, i look to see Niall curling into my side. "Boss wants you both up and ready for the day" Zayn says while also looking at Niall sleeping, i roll my eyes and find the cover and pull it back over me. "What time is it?" I ask "10:30 he let you lay in so count yourself grateful, now wake sleeping beauty up and get your arse downstairs now" he says ripping the cover off us again.

"Ni babes we gotta get up" i whisper to the boy "But im tired" he whines "Im sure theres food downstairs" i say and he opens his eyes, i chuckle at him and he sits up slowly. We take a few minutes to wake up before staying in the clothes we are in, i was wearing black joggers and a black hoodie while Niall was wearing a black t shirt and black joggers. We went downstairs to find Liam, Zayn and Harry in the kitchen "Liam anyone ever told you that your clothes are comfy as fuck?" I ask as we walk in "No" he says shortly "Well they are comfy as fuck" i say and i cant help but notice his lips twitch a bit and Harrys hard glare on Liam. I wondered why that was, i wonder if liam did something harry didn't like.

"Why did you wake us up at this early hour in the morning?" I ask Laying on the floor with Niall sitting down next to me like a happy child, i still don't get how we are so calm. Maybe it's because we know they cant kill us if they want their money, but they was rich as fuck so why did they need my dads money? "Get off the floor now" Harry says "But im tired" i say "Liam wheres your gun?" Harry asks and i shoot straight up "Im up" i say and he tilts his head narrowing his eyes at me. "Got any food in this place i promised Niall there was food, and he gets cranky if he doesn't eat" i tell them and i see Zayn smile a little bit.

"Liam ask chef to make them some pancakes" Harry says rubbing his head as if he has a headache, Liam obeys harry and goes into the other kitchen area where the people work in guess. "So how long does my dad have to pay the money?" I ask "God why did i wake you up"  Harry mumbles and i shrug. "Go and annoy someone else" he mutters "Like who?" I ask "I don't know anyone but me" he says "Rude but what if someone shoots me?" I ask "Let them" he says now annoyed "Nah think I'll just wait for my food" I say and Zayn looks amused while Niall is staring at Zayn.

"Anyways where was i?" Harry asks Zayn "Explaining the mission for tonight" he says and Harry nods. "So you me and Liam will go in pretend everything is fine, then mason and Chelsea will come in and fine Mr Lynch and take him. While this happens we will try and distract everyone from it, hopefully Mr Lynch will be in his office so it shouldn't be a big deal. Make sure to tell them to kill anyone who gets in their way, got it?" He says to Zayn while me and Niall listen closely to whatever was going on. Liam comes back and Zayn explains to him what harry just said, while Zayn does that i talk to Niall and Harry watches me and him.

"Louis and Niall you'll be accompanying us tonight" Harry says making both me and Niall worry "with what?" I ask skeptically "A mission" he smirks while speaking and it creeps me out but he also looks hot. "Can i see you kill someone?" Niall asks with an eyebrow raised "N J H what the actual fuck" i say turning to him "Don't use that name" Niall says pouting "You deserved it for that" i say and he looks sad. "Fine im sorry" i say and kiss his forehead and he smiles, then we turn back to the others to see them staring at us. "Thats gonna stop" harry says "Why jealous?" I say smirking "Do you wanna get shot?" He asks "Not really" i say gulping "Then shut up" he says and  i smirk then someone comes in with pancakes for us.

Me and Niall eat our delicious pancakes while Harry gathers everyone up, he explains the mission to them all and what each other their roles are. Chelsea and mason are like stealthy people and steal stuff, the other lady Jasmine who's also really pretty she is a hacker and is told to turn all cameras off, Zayn and Liam are the muscles and then Harry is the boss. "Question why do we have to come?" I ask cutting Harry off from saying something, he breathes heavily obviously not liking it when people cut him off. "Because i said so" he says and i huff in my seat "You do realise we are not part of this and we are hostages" i remind him "Both of you leave before i shoot you" he says and i smile and take Niall's hand and we leave.

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