𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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Louis POV:                10 months later

Me and Niall ended up getting separated apartments but in the same complex, my one was just the floor above his one. They were nice little flats with good security, me and Harry was still dating and everything had been going fine. Zayn, Liam and Niall knew we were dating and they were the only few, along with Harry's family of course. My father had continuously tried to contact me so i bought another phone, and only had a few people in my contacts.

It was around 11pm and i was chilling in my front room watching something, suddenly my front door swung open and harry walked in with blood all over him. He fell to the floor and i rushed to his side, he had a bullet wound in his arm. I quickly called Zayn and told him to get to my house now, i called niall as well yelling him and not even two minutes later i heard him running down the hall. He opened my door and saw Harry laying on my floor blood everywhere.

"Haz what happened talk to me" i say rushed he looks at me and smiles blood covering his teeth, he try's to sit up but fails and closes his eyes. "Don't you dare close your eyes" i say smacking his cheek to wake him again. "Your father" he rasps looking me and i gasp "My dad did this to you?" I ask but he doesn't respond, Niall comes with a towel so i can hold all the blood in his arm. 10 minutes later while im still trying to keep harry awake Zayn and Liam burst threw my door guns up, they see Harry and drop the the floor dropping their guns. "He said something about my dad" i say while they help him up even though he's nearly unconscious.

"Where are you going!" I say scared "Our house take my phone and call Jason" Liam says handing me his now unlocked phone. I call Jason their doctor as we all rush downstairs, he picks up in the last ring sounding tired. "Liam?" He asks "No this is louis you need to get to the boys house, Harrys been shot we're on our way there now" i say while a tear burns down my cheek. "Shit ok on my way try to get him to stay awake!" He screams into the phone while i guess changing. I hang up and we get to the car, Zayn starts speeding down the deserted roads to Harry's house. We arrive and Jason pulls up at the same time, he and Niall help Zayn and Liam while i just watch.

Its been hours and i was told to go to Harry's room and rest, Niall was laying next to me half dead since he was so tired. I tried sleeping but i just couldn't i knew Jason was operating on Harry right now just downstairs, how the fuck was i meant to sleep knowing that. Someone knocks on the door and Liam pops his head through being quiet, he smiles sadly at me and walks further into the room. "H wont be happy when he knows Niall was in his room" he tells me looking at the now sleeping Niall next to me. "Is he ok?" I ask "Yeah he's fine Jason got the bullet out and he had a couple cuts and a few bruises" he tells me and i breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Get some sleep because he wont be waking up any time soon" He tells me and i nod, now knowing he was awake i think i could finally sleep. Liam leaves and i lay down in the bed now and close my eyes, the next thing i know im waking up to the sound of gunshots. Niall also flys up awake and the Zayn rushes into the room "HIDE NOW!" He yells at us, me and Niall jump up and run into the wardrobe. We were both so scared and confused on what was going on, we heard the door lock so Zayn must have locked it from the outside. We heard shouting and bullets flying everywhere, i heard someone shout my father's name and that made me angry. "Shut im gonna do it" i say moving from the wardrobe and towards Harry's draw. "Lou get back in here!" Niall whisper shouts at me, i ignore him and grab Harry's gun and key so i could unlock the door.

"Lou please don't" Niall said "I'll be fine Ni harry taught me everything" i say and he has a tear running down his face. I unlock the door and look out the room seeing no one, i quickly exit and lock it so Niall couldn't leave. I made my way to the stairs and saw one of Harry's team laying on the floor and someone about to shoot him, before i can even think i shoot the guy in the head. The man on Harry's team looks up and sees me and nods a thanks, he also looks shocked i just save him but he gets up and runs for cover.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and see men everywhere running, some i knew from being on my dad's side and some from Harry's. I saw Liam shoot someone in the head and i make eye contact with him, i smile and he looked scared and shocked i was holding a gun. I see my father in the house with no one with him, i follow him and noticed he was going towards the hospital area. He was about to finish off Harry and i couldn't let him do that, i ran behind him and took out his legs and kicked his gun away.

"Hey dad funny seeing you here" i say and he looks up at me shocked, i point my gun at him and he looks frightened. "Louis im your father don't do this, what has that man done to you" he pleads "You may be my father but you tried to kill my boyfriend, he's better to me then you ever have been so this is easy for me" i smile at him psychotically and pull the trigger. The last thing i do is pulling the trigger on my dad and him falling to the floor and a bullet wound in the middle of his head. "Louis" i hear someone say and i turn to see Zayn and Liam looking at me, they look to my father, the gun in my hand then me again. "What he tried to kill harry the bastard had it coming" i say and they both break out in smiles and we all laugh. I thought i was mad because i was laughing after i just killed my dad, but he killed my mother and sister, he had me raped and had abused me for years. He definitely had it coming that's for sure, im just happy i was the one to do it.

"Lets get someone to clean all this up go and get Niall, don't let him see this please" Zayn tells me and i nod, i walk upstairs and unlock Harry's room where Niall was still hiding. He looks at me after i tell him it's me "I killed him Ni, i actually did it" i say and he just hugs me tightly. He knew i wasn't sad but in shock, he held me for ages until I announced I needed a shower. "Oh and Zayn said don't go downstairs for a while" i tell him and he nods, it was now around 7 am and i was in the shower.

When i got out i changed into Harry's clothes and walked out to see Niall and Zayn kissing, i smirk and clear my throat and they jump apart. I walk past them smirking but i stop next to Zayn "Hurt him and i kill you next" i say and he nods and i walk off. I go down to the hospital area and enter the room Harry's in, Liam was in there already sitting on the little couch at the other end of the room. "Everything is cleared up like they was never here" he says to me and i nod "Just caught Zayn and Niall kissing" i tell him and he chuckles. "I hoped they would get together" he says and i nod. "You alright?" He asks me and i nod and he just nods back, he leaves the room and i sit in the seat next to Harry's hospital bed. He's sleeping soundly not knowing anything what just happened early this morning, he looked like an angel even when he's all beaten up. I take his hand and sit there holding it, Liam checks everything is ok then leaves again.

Then his eyes open and he looks down at me, i smile at him and he chuckles and lays his head back again. "You feel better love?" I ask "With you i always feel better" he says with a little smirk and i chuckle "I do love you, you know" i tell him and he nods "I love you too" he says and i chuckle, he sits up and i help him a little as he gets comfortable. "I killed him" i say and Harrys shoots his head to look at me "who?" He asks eyes wide and confused "My father, he came back with people. Zayn told me to stay upstairs but I couldn't knowing you was down here, i took your gun and he was coming in here to kill you but i killed him instead" i say and he just looks shocked. "Im sorry?" He says not knowing what to say. "Why the fuck sre you sorry Babe im so fucking happy, im free i can do whatever i like he cant hurt me anymore. It was more vengeance for my mother and sister, i just had anger and seeing him trying to hurt you it just made me do it" i explain. Harry breaks out in a smile and chuckles "Your first kill" he says "Second actually when i came downstairs i saw Daniel about to be shot so i shot the other guy for him" i say and he looks baffled "Wow your a little killing machine now" he says and i shake my head "Not my thing" i say and he nods understanding. "Where are the others?" He asks "Not sure Liam was just here" i say and he nods. I quickly text the boys telling them Harry's up, they all come rushing in and smile seeing harry awake. "How long has he been awake?" Zayn asks "10 minutes" i answered him and he nods.

"Ive heard you boys have had quite a morning" Harry says keeping ahold of my hand "I didnt i hid in a closet in your room" Niall says "Why the fuck was you in my room?!" Harry roars loudly and i look at Liam who smirks at me and i smirk back. "I couldn't sleep babe its my fault sorry" i say to him and he instantly calms down, the boys chuckle at Harry and i groans and throws his head back in annoyance. A few hours later all the boys except me leave to get rest, Harry tells me to leave but i refuse so he makes room in his hospital bed and i climb in.


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