𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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Louis's POV:                 A month later
Me and Niall had just arrived to school and we hadn't been for a while, our friends welcomed us back and told us everything we had missed. No one knew me and Niall was associated with Harry still, and all the girls were still talking about him. Apparently they found out my father had shot him, the girls asked me if i knew anything about it and i said that i knew. They asked if i was apart of the mafia but i shook my head telling through truth.

"I cant believe your dad shot Harry Styles" Freya says and i nod, Liam sits next to me with Zayn next to Niall opposite us. I get a text and i see its from Niall i look at him confused, he just motions for me to read it so i do.

Irish Princess: I heard people saying Tommy J was gonna beat you up later so just telling you now
Me: Wtf did i do?!?!
Irish Princess: Idk but if you do fight him harry will be the one picking us all up
Me: Shit better avoid TJ for rest of the day
Irish Princess: He's in our next lesson before lunch
Me: Shit

"So louis you're not involved with the mafia right?" Someone asks and i nod "So did you not know your dad was gonna shoot Harry?" The same person asks "Had no idea" i answered truthfully "Did you know your dad was in the mafia?" Someone asks and i shrug "He wasn't in the mafia he was just dirty" i say and the questions stop thankfully. But the bell goes for next lesson and im dreading it, I've had fights before and I've won them all but i didnt want harry showing up. I decided i would warn him just in case, so i get my phone out on my way to next lesson.

Me: Some boy said he wanted for fight me at lunch so just letting you know 😝
Curly❤️: Excuse me?
Me: Yeah i don't know why but im already at lesson gtg and dw if i lose Z and Li are here
Curly: Im on my way fucking hell
Me: No don't you only just recovered from your injury, I've been asked many questions today about you as well asking if im in the mafia very funny
Me: If u come everyone will know we are together
Curly: I don't give a shit your lesson is over in 30 minutes and im on my way

"Li Harry's on his way!" I hiss "What why?" He asks confused "Some boy wants to fight me so i told him and now he's on his way" i whisper "Which kid" he asks "He's sitting two rows in front of me" i say and he looks and nods. "Just pretend everything is normal I'll make sure that kid gets made to stay behind" Liam says and i nod, i text Niall saying Harry is on hsi way and he cackles loudly in class everyone looks at him.

Me: Whats so funny?
Irish Princess: Tommy is so fucking dead kinda feel bad its his last day in earth

Lesson ended and somehow liam got Tommy to stay behind with the teacher, i have no idea how but he did so that bought us time. I was sitting at the lunch table when someone came running up to me, it was Ben the one that liked me. "Thought you should know Harry styles the one your dad shot is looking for you" he breathes out and i look at Liam and Zayn. "Omg Harry styles?" A girl on my table asked "Louis are you gonna die?" A boy asks but the door flys open and i see Harry walking through the canteen looking for me.

Girls gasp "It was nice knowing you lad" someone says patting my shoulder and i chuckle, Harry sees me and looks mad. Liam and Zayn chuckle at everyone's comments and Niall smirks, Harry starts walking towards me and i smile at him. He walks up behind me and its so silent no one would dare make a noise, Zayn and Liam nod at him and he nods back. "Hey Angel" Harry says looking at me "Hey Love" i say and he kisses me making people gasp and i chuckle "Give em the name of that kid ima kill him" Harry says making people gasp more "Nope" i say smiling "Not funny Lou ill ask Niall then" he says and looks at niall and everyone is still silent watching and listening.

"Niall whats that boys name?" Harry asks him "The fuck im not telling you because you'll actually kill him" Niall says and i chuckle, while this happens i take Harry's gun from him without him knowing. People see but don't say anything again, i rest the gun in my lap and Harry looks annoyed. "Im gonna kill that kid i swear" Harry says "With what gun?" I ask cheekily "My gun" he says reaching behind him to grab it, he then realises it's not there and i hold it up and people gasp. "Little minx" he says kissing my cheek and taking it back from me. "Am i gonna have to start asking random people?" He asks and i shake my head and then the canteen doors fly open with a bang and everyone's heads fly over and i see Tommy enter. "Im gonna take a guess and say thats the guy am i right?" Harry says and i shrug "Angel" he warns and i sigh "Harry your not killing him for fucks same ill beat him and you can be there if you really want" i say but he shakes his head and walks towards Tommy who's frozen in place.

"Li he's actually gonna kill him" i say standing up and walking with harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn follow still with everyone watching. "You tommy?" Harry asks and he nods "Who the fuck are you?" Tommy asks not recognising Harry, Harry just chuckles and Liam whispers something to Harry which makes him look at me. "Todays your lucky fucking day your not gonna die" Harry says putting his gun away huffing, tommy only just saw the gun and now he looks shit scared. "Your lucky my boyfriends here or i would have killed you in front of your whole school" Harry says and walks back over to where i was sitting u look at liam and he whispers. "I told him that you wouldn't like it if he killed him, and that you probably would have broke up with him" he tells me and I chuckle.

Harry approaches us with mine and Niall's bags and walks off with his arm over my shoulder "You really put on a show for everyone" i tell him "Thanks Angel" he says and kisses me "That wasn't a compliment" i say and he rolls his eyes, we get in the car and the others get in Liams. We drive to Harry's house and we just chat about what people were saying in our year Group chat. Me and Niall laugh loudly while the other three just chat amongst themselves, im cuddled up with harry and Niall with Zayn.

This was perfect just us hanging out by ourselves, just how it should be and i absolutely loved it.



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