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Harry's POV: Friday
I woke up at my usual time and i was in Louis's bed, I quickly untangled myself from him and walked to the door putting my shirt on. I waited a few minutes and watched him, it might be creepy but he just looks so cute. I walk downstairs and make myself a tea and a 2 slices of toast, then Liam comes in and we stay silent. I had already made him tea since it was a habit for years now, he thanked me and sat at the bar stools and waited for one of us to talk. "I talked to Louis last night" i say breakingthe tension "Let me guess he forgave you" he says and i nod "I know you like him and you wont admit it but be careful with him, he's been through a lot and he doesn't show it" he tells me and i nod "So tell me what he did in his sleep that was cute today" he says and i smile knowing we are back to normal now. "He mumbled my name and cuddled into me more, then when i got up he curled up into a tiny ball" i say with a small smile and Liam just smiles nodding. "I think he would be good for you H, and i think in a way your good for him" he says and i nod "I need to get changed and get the others up" he says a little while later, i just nod and he walks upstairs after putting his cup in the sink.

About 35 minutes later Liam, Zayn and Niall came downstairs, i wondered where louis was and it was like liam was reading my thoughts. "Louis is just changing cause he was having a shower" he tells me and i nod, then they order some food and for Louis too. 5 minutes later Louis emerges into the kitchen looking sexy as fuck, his hair is messy and his uniform was messy. He smiles at everyone saying good morning and sitting with Niall at the table, the food comes and i tell everyone to dig in since i had already ate this morning. They was chatting about their day today then as they was leaving louis forgot his footie kit, the others went to the car as Louis went upstairs. He came back down just as i was about to go upstairs, he smiled and said goodbye but i grabbed his hips and turned him to me. I placed my lips on his and kissed him gently, he kissed back but i broke it since he was nearly late. "Go" i whispered and he nodded and said bye before running out to the car, they left and I continued upstairs.

I entered my office that i don't let anyone in to, everyone in the house was only just waking up for the day. They knew never to disturb me unless they had a good reason, even then they would have to wait for me to exit the room to tell me what was happening. My office was my space and it had things that not even Zayn or liam knew about me, i had a whole wall full of books i had read or are reading. I had another part of a wall with 2 guitars on it, i used to play all the time when i was younger. Even now i like to play sometimes, no one knew about this except Zayn but he hasn't told or that i know of. Liam actually probably knows because they tell each other everything, Zayn only knows because he caught me when we was younger in my room. I also have a few pictures of my mother and sister hanging up, then i have other things that are personal to me in a shelf. Oh and then i have a very very secure volt/safe behind one of my book shelves, no one knows about that either but i store valuable items in there. But never money i keep that in my room in a safe thats next to my bed, i always keep my office and Bedroom locked at all times of the day unless im in them. At was around 11:45 when i got a text message off Louis, i knew he was meant to be in class but i text him back anyway.

Angel: Whatcha doing?
Me: Working like you should be
Angel: But school's boring
Angel: Im deciding whether to just get in a fight so i can come back early
Me: Don't you fucking dare, if i get that call of Liam ill make sure you cant sit down for a week
Angel: How?
Me: Spanking
Angel: Kinky 😉
Me: Go back to learning
Angel: Nah
Me: I will text Liam
Angel: Go for it whats he gonna do?
Me: Don't give me attitude
Angel: Im not
Me: Do your work
Angel: Do your work
Me: I cant your distracting me
Angel: Ugh Zayn caught me on my phone
Me: Good
Angel: He's taking it bye Curly 
Me: Bye Angel

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