Chapter 15: Miss. Smith?

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I grab my phone to check the time and see that it's 2:30. "How long were we at the mall" "I don't why?" "Because it's 2:30 now and we woke up at 6:15 and we haven't done anything all day" "So it's the weekend" "Yeah I don't know why I am worried about the time" "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that your Dad only came home from work yesterday 4 hours later than he was supposed to and now all of sudden he is missing," Amelia says lifting her arm from her eyes and looking at me from the couch "Yeah maybe I'm just being paranoid," I say and head to the bags to start putting all my new clothes in the closet and my new shoes on my shoe rack, Amelia gets up and takes her shopping bags up the stairs and puts them next to her bookbag and comes over to help me organize my closet and the shoe rack.

We get into an argument or two until we get done organizing and decide to head to the kitchen for some water. I see the clock and see that it is 3:45 "Alex should be getting home soon" We hear the door unlock and open "Well speak of the devil" Amelia says walking to the front door with me not far behind. "Hey" "Hey, why were you crazy earlier" I ask opening and taking a sip of my water "What are talking about" Alex takes his shoes off and sits on the couch or more or less slumps on it "I'm talking about earlier when you came in the house and then ran like a scared puppy when you heard that Dad was on the phone with somebody" I sit on the arm of the couch and Amelia leans on the back end listening to our conversation "Oh that well I may or may not have been skipping my morning classes to hang out with my girlfriend," he says sheepishly. Me and Amelia could only stare at him for a minute "Well didn't you think that the absences would catch up to you at some point" Amelia asked "Yeah I did but I thought that I could fix it" "How on earth would you be able to fix absences they put that in like a software or something" I say slapping him upside the head to try and knock some sense into him.

"Okay, Okay I know that was dumb to think but you don't have to hit me" "Well how else are you going to get some sense into your small brain" "Okay, Alex so you have been skipping your morning classes because you are grounded and therefor can't have your phone which then resulted in you not being able to talk to your girlfriend which then made you start to skip class so that you could talk to her'' Amelia says moving her hands around trying to figure out what was going through my dumb brothers head "Yeah pretty much and when you put it liker that it is really Dad's fault that I have to skip class" "Don't start with that when he comes back and yells at you for how stupid you are" "Wait he isn't here?" "No, we think that he had to head to work for a bit because of an emergency" "If he was here don't you think he would be beating you-" I was saying hitting him upside the head when I was interrupted by Dad's phone in his office "Isn't that your Dad's office phone," Amelia asks "Yeah," I say getting off the couch.

We hear from upstairs a man's voice "Mr. Smith I'm sorry to interpret you but it's about your son Alexander he has been missing all of his morning classes" We all look at each other until Amelia turns and runs up the stairs and I push Alex back on the couch and run up the stairs as well. Amelia and I ran and locked the office door before Alex could get inside, "Hey open this door you guys better be deleting that message" He bangs on the door "Hello" I hear a small voice say I turn and see that Amelia had answered the phone and put it on speaker "Alex shut up Amelia answered the phone if you mess this up then we all will be in trouble" after I said whisper yelling at him after I said that he stopped banging on the door and just listened "Um hello Mr. Smith?" "I'm so sorry Mr. Smith is not here right now but I would be more than glad to take a message for you" Amelia sits and grabs a notepad and pen from the office desk to write anything down.

"Why are you grabbing a notepad and pen when we already know why he called" I whisper to her but she shushes me "Um yeah that's fine just tell him his son Alexander has been skipping all of his morning classes to see his girlfriend" "Oh has he now" "Yes he has I'm sorry are you Alexanders step-mother" Amelia immediately stopped writing and looks up at me and I look at her we both don't know what to say "Um hello?" "Y-yes hello I'm sorry but um yes I'm Mr. Smith's second wife" "Oh okay well please be sure to pass the message on to him" "Yes I'll be sure to do that, goodbye" "Goodbye Miss. Smith" Amelia ends the call and turns to me "What have I done" "Hey it's fine I bet Dad would even know that you said that you were his wife and the stepmother of his children," I say coming over to her and rubbing her back.

5 paragraphs/961 words

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