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A city that never stops, a city where everything and nothing is possible. A city full of people trying to survive in life.
One of them, JeonWonwoo. He was once part of the biggest mafia gang in Seoul. He killed people for a living, trying to make as much money as possible, trying to stay alive. He got kicked out after his boss told him to kill the children of someone. He had no problem with killing people. But he had one rule: children and innocent people should stay out of this game.
Since then he is running away from the gang, who is trying to kill him. You're getting killed in this business once you're not following orders.

He tried his best to stay undercover, only going out in daylight when he really had to. Sleeping nowhere twice. He lives like that since 3 months and he thought that one day, they would stop chasing him. But he was wrong.
He walked down a street at the middle of the night, when a big man came out and walked straight up to him. Wonwoo recognized him right away.
Wonwoo tried to hide, run away as fast as possible, but the other gang members were already around him. They surrounded him like he was something to eat.

"There you are, saekki." The big one, Hajun, said, smiling at you. His face was covered under a baseball cap but Wonwoo still had a clear look at his face.
"How did you find me?"
Hajun laughed. "You really think you could hide forever and make no mistakes? You used your credit card to get money."
Shit, Wonwoo thought. He didn't think about that.
"My bad, I admit. So, what do you want?"
"You know what we want. Your head."
Wonwoo nodded. "Okay. Guess we have to talk about that."
"There is nothing to talk about, saekki."
"That's not really nice to say."
Hajun chuckled. "Fuck you. Kill him."

Wonwoo looked around. There were about 10 people with brass knuckles and baseball bats. He had nothing on him. The first one attacked him, Wonwoo moved out, but getting punched hard in the back by a baseball bat. He cried out of pain, trying to get up as soon quick as he could but he got hit again. They hit him over and over again. He felt his bones breaking, blood was flowing everywhere. Somewhere far away, he heard the sirens of the police.
"Boss, what should we do?" Someone asked.
Wonwoo tried to get up, but got pushed down on the ground again.
"Leave him here. We will finish him later. Lets go!"
Hajun and his gang left, leaving Wonwoo lying on the ground alone. He could hear the sirens coming closer and closer. If he was caught by the police now, there would be no chance to ever go back in daylight ever again. They would put him in jail for a lifetime.

He took his last power to stand up and limped away into a dark side street. His vision got blurry, blood was flowing out of his mouth and probably somewhere else too. His breath got low. He stepped the street down, coming to an old house. He hesitated to knock, asking for help. Before he could knock on the door, his vision turned black and he fell on the ground, passed out.

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