Chapter 6

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You woke by the feeling of sunshine on your face. Opening your eyes, you looked at the ceiling. You turned your face to the left, facing Wonwoos back. Looks like he is still sleeping.
Pictures of last night appeared in your inner eye, making you smile. It's a miracle that you even got time to sleep since things got.. intense.
You sat up, holding the sheet on your body. You looked for your underwear on the floor, before quietly standing up and putting them on. You looked at Wonwoo, who was still sleeping. His facial impression is so soft, peacful, like a child. You smiled.
Going into the bathroom, you washed up and put your dress on. You need to go home or buy anything else to wear. Walking around in that dress with your shoes for the next time, running away from your father isn't an option for you.

Getting back into the room, you found Wonwoo still sleeping. You took a look at your phone. It was already 9.32 a.m. You have to keep going. You sat down on Wonwoos side of the bed, slowly tapping his shoulder.
"Wonwoo, wake up."
He slowly opened his eyes. He smiled once he saw you. "How are you already up?"
You laughed. "I'm a doctor. Must take some sleeping pills to take me out."
He chuckled. "Noted."
He stretched his body, before sitting up. The sheet fell of his upper body, leaving a free sight of his abs, marks you left on them last night and his big brusies from his broken ribs.

"I hope they don't hurt more now." You said, looking up at his face.
He raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Your ribs."
"Aah. Don't worry, it's okay. "
"You su-"
"Yes, y/n. I'm pretty sure." He looked down at you. "You are already wearing your dress."
You nodded. "We need to go. It's almost 10 am."
"I see. So no next round?"
You hit his shoulder. "Stop it."
He laughed, before standing up and putting his clothes on.

You left the hotel and went straight to your car, this time, you were driving.
"Where do you think should we go?" You asked Wonwoo.
"Drive to your fathers office."
You looked at him shocked. "What? Why there?"
He looked at you. "I want to talk with him."
"Are you crazy? Did something happen to your head or why do you think like that? He is gonna kill you the second you step into his building!"
He smiled. "He won't, I promise."
You shook your head. "This is crazy, Wonwoo."
"Do you trust me?"
"I do, but this is-"
"Then trust me and drive there. Nothing is gonna happen."
You sighed, before starting the enginee.

You drove to your father office building. His official business is being the chef of the biggest pharmacy in Seoul. He got it from his father, your grandfather. But your father has always been someone, who was easily tired by normal work and has always been a violent person. He killed his first victim by the age of 16 and continued doing this. Whenever someone is doing business with your father, and doesn't cooperate with him, they will get killed. The drug selling thing is just the cherry on top.
You parked your car in the parking lot.
"Are you sure about this?" You asked, looking at Wonwoo.
He looked at you. "Nothing is gonna happen."
You sighed. "I hope so. Otherwise I'm gonna kick your ass."
He winked at you. "Save your power for something else."

You got out your car, heading into the building.
"Y/n!" You heard someone shouting from behind. You turned around, facing Mr. Kim.
"Mr. Kim."
He came up to you two. "Please call me Mingyu. Sounds a bit odd getting called Mr. Kim from my own wife."
"She is not your wife." Wonwoo said.
Mr. Kim looked at Wonwoo. "Not yet."
"Never will be."
Mr. Kim wanted to say something, but you cut him off. "Why are you here?"

Mr. Kim looked at you. "Your father wanted to talk about the marriage. Why are you here? This should be the last place to be for you. Your father is very angry. I had a hard time convincing him not to kill both of you."
"Yeah, we know. But I wanted to taalk to him."
Mr. Kim looked at Wonwoo. "And why is that so? Are you that excited to die?"
"I won't die. But since we are already talking now; whats your plan on how we kill Jung-Woo?"
Mr. Kim shook his head. "This is not the place to talk about it. Meet me in my office afterwards - if you make it out alive."

The three of you went into the building, heading up your fathers office. Everyone on your way there watches you, step by step. All eyes were on Wonwoo.
"Everyone here stares at you." You whispered at Wonwoo.
He nodded. "I know. Everyone here has the order to kill me. I'm surprised no one attacked me yet."
Coming to your fathers door, you took a deep breath. You weren't really excited to meet your father. You were worried something might happen to Wonwoo as soon as you enter his office.
Mr. Kim went into the room, without knocking. Wonwoo and you looked at each other before following Mr. Kim.
Your father was sitting at his desk, tiping something on his laptop. He looked up, his eyes directly meeting yours. You swallowed.
"You're brave for coming here, daugther."
"She is not here because she wants to. I wanted to talk to you."

Mr. Kim sat down on a chair infront of your fathers desk, looking at the two of you. He looks like he enjoys this, this game. It feels like he is more on your fathers side, then on yours.
"So, what do you wanna talk about? About how you embarrased me infront of everone yesterday?"
Wonwoo laughed. "That's your bad. No, I wanted to talk to you about what we should do next."
Your father laughed. "What we should do next? I'll tell you what we do next; I'm gonna kill you."
"Then you will never know where all the gold is burried."
Your father laid back in his chair.

You had no idea what Wonwoo was talking about. Your father sometimes tells you about his business, but he never mentioned gold.
"I'll listen."
"I'll tell you where the gold is, for that information you promise me to not kill me and give me enough money to move far away from here."
Your father nodded. "And what about y/ns and yours realtionship?"
Wonwoo hesistated. "There is not relationship. Marry her off to whoever you want to."
You look at Wonwoo, shocked. "What?!"

Your father smiled. "Aw what happened to your two lovebirds?"
"Nothing. We never were lovebirds. It was just for show."
You couldn't believe what he said. Just for the show? Just to save his own ass? Means nothing meant to him? Not the kiss in the museum, not the multiple kisses last night? He just pretended everything while you started to have feelings for someone you don't even know?
"Why?" You whispered, looking up at Wonwoo with tears in your eyes.
He looked down at you. "This business has no room for feelings, y/n."

A tear rolled down your face.
"Well this is not what I thought what would happen." Mr. Kim said, laughing. Laughing directly into your face.
"Alright." Your father clapped his hands. "Y/n, please leave the room with Mr. Kim. Wonwoo and I have something to talk to."
You were still in shock, still looking up at Wonwoo, who looked directly at your father, smiling. He smiled. He smiled at your father after telling you a few minutes ago, that you should trust him. And now he backstabbed you.

A touch on your arm made you look away from Wonwoo to Mr. Kim. He looked down at you.
Another tear rolled down your face, which you quickly wiped away. You looked back at Wonwoo.
"I hate you." You said.
He smiled, still looking at your father.
"You won't be the last one."
"I hope he kills you anyway." You said with a shaking voice.
"Let's leave." Mr. Kim said, putting in some pressure on your arm.
You nodded, then followed Mr. Kim out of the room, not looking at Wonwoo or your father one last time.
Guess that what happens when a naive woman helps an injured ex mafia. The woman gets played on, the man gets away with a smile, leaving the woman broken hearted alone.

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