Chapter 8

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You watched Wonwoo passing down on the ground. Walking to him as quick as you can, you tried to not get killed my the gun fight that was around you. Kneeing down next to Wonwoo, you pressed your hands on his wounds. Tears were rolling down your face.
"I'm sorry." You whispered.
"D-don't. It wasn't you." He stumbled.
He pointed sligthly to the left of you. Following his finger, you found your father passed out on the ground too. He was dead, you could tell by the hole in his head.
"Nice shot." Wonwoo whispered, before coughing blood.
You looked back at Wonwoo. "We need to leave."
You heard sirens from far away, as you finished your sentence. You looked arround you. The mafia members heard the sounds too, so they attent to leave the place. You watched Mr. Kims men grabbing him and helping him getting into a car, driving away. He wasn't dead. You hoped you wouldn't get backfire for this situation.
"Breath deep in." You said to Wonwoo.

He did what you told him to. You helped him get up, moving to a car nearby. The sirens were coming closer and closer, as you kept moving to the car. You helped Wonwoo get in on the backseat.
You looked down at your hands, after you closed his door. Blood, all over your hands. You swallowed. Getting on the drivers seat, you started driving off. You watched the police coming in the mirror of the car, as you left the place. You drove as far as you could to a hospital near by. You parked the car infront of it, running in - screaming for help. Medical assistants were helping you bringing Wonwoo in, driving him to the operation room.

"Miss, you can't come in." A young woman said to you, as you walked in the operation room.
"I'm a doctor myself. I'll operate."
"Miss, you can't."
You looked at the young woman. "Listen, I don't care if I can or not. I'll lead the operation."
"Mrs. Lee, leave her in." You heard a male voice saying from behind.
Your turned arround, facing a young man. "I can need some help."
You nodded and followed him. Both of you were getting ready, while the assistants tried everything to keep Wonwoo alive. You started the operation, which took 7 hours in total, since his organs started bleeding again, over and over. After everything was done, he was placed in the intensive care unit, getting overwatched.

The hospital called the police, since Wonwoo came in with bullets in his body. You talked to the police officers, telling them what happend - with some differents. You told them that your father wanted to kill you and you did self defense, by taking a gun from his men and shooting him, before he could shoot you. Wonwoo came in the way ond got shoot. They believed you - at least that's what you thought. After they left, you sat down on the side of Wonwoos bed, watching him sleep. You sighed, as you felt the adrenalin leaving your body, making you lying back on your chair. So much happened in rush of time, you don't even know how to process all of this.
Your father was dead. Park Jung-Woo, the man you hated since you can think of his dead. You finally got what you wanted but for what price? Wonwoo lying in the hospital bed, figthing for his life? That wasn't what you wanted.
You closed your eyes as you yawned for the 4th time in a short time. Maybe some sleep would help.

"She can't sleep here."
"I want her to sleep here."
"But sir, this isn't quite helpful for your recovery."
"She is just sleeping, leave her alone."
You woke up to these voices saying things. You slowly opened your eyes, yawning.
"Great you woke her up."
You blinked a few times, before your sight got clear. Wonwoo and a nurse were looking at you. Stretching your body, you yawned.
You looked at Wonwoo. "How are you?"
"His parameters are fine, he lost too much blood so he has to stay a few days." The nurse says. "But I think you already know that." She added quietly, after you raised an eyebrow at her answer.

"Yeah, I know." You looked back at Wonwoo. "You feel ill? Like throwing up?"
He shook his head.
"Tell me whenever you feel like you have to throw up." You look at the nurse again. "You can go, I'll take care of him."
She nodded, then left the room.
You sighed as you look back at Wonwoo, with anger in your eyes. "Why did you do that?"
He looked at you." What exactly?"
"Everything. But taking the bullet is something I would die to know."
"I didn't wanted you to get hurt."
You chuckled. "After stabbing my back and going mack to my father to save your own ass?"

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