Chapter 3

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"You- WHAT?!"
You looked at your father in anger. "Tell me he is lying."
He shook his head. "Mr. Kim and I talked about it now for a long time and came to the conclusion that it would be the best for everyone."
You laughed. "The best for everyone? Fuck off dad!"
He grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to him.
"Listen, you little rat, this is about business. And if you don't listen, you will regret it. Think twice about your words." He whispered into your ears.
You swallowed, nodding slowly.
He let go off you, making you trip a few steps back. You rubbed over your arm, trying to hold in your tears. This wasn't what you planned at all. You keep your head down, not wanting to see their faces.
"Alright, I think we should talk the next days about the wedding, Mr. Kim. The date, place, who is coming and all that stuff. You know what I mean." Your dad said.
"Sounds great, Mr. Park. I'm looking forward to it. And
You looked up at Mr. Kim.
"Don't fall for anyone else." He winked at you.

You formed your hands into a fist, wanting to punch both of them in their ignorant faces.
"She won't, don't worry about it!" Your dad said laughing.
Mr. Kim smiled, before he turned around, going back to his car. He got in, driving away, followed by his men. You looked up at your father.
"I hate you."
He looked at you, his smile faded away. "I don't care. You do what I tell you. And if you try to escape this marriage, I'll promise to give you the most painful death you could think of. This is serious business for me."
You spit your father in the face. "Fuck you."
You turned around, walking away to your car. You got in, hit your steering wheel a few times, screaming your emotions out.
"This b@$tard!"
You breathed in and out a few times to calm down. After your heart stopped beating like you just ran a marathon, you started driving to the location, where you let wonwoo out, to collect him again. He was already standing at the side of the road, waiting for you. You slowed down, letting him get in.

"What was the deal?" He asked before he closed the door.
"I'll tell you when we are at my place or else I'll drive us against a tree."
He looked at you. "Doesn't sound good."
You arrived at your house, going straight in. Wonwoo went into the living room, you followed him.
"So tell me, what happened? I think I know the man who was there."
You sighed. "His name is Kim Mingy-"
"Kim Mingyu? He is Koreas most wanted human trafficker."
You sighed again. "Great! I have to marry a human trafficker."
He raised an eyebrow. "You have to marry him?"
You nodded. "Seems like my dad made a deal with him. I have to marry him or else he is gonna kill me in the most painful way I could imagine."
"Oh wow. I wonder why." He sat down on the couch, thinking about what the reason behind this could be. You looked around, trying to think about what to do. You can't marry this man. A human trafficker? What the hell? The only good thing about him is, that he is handsome. That's it.

"I think I've got it." Wonwoo said, looking up at you.
"What is it?"
"Your dad talked about smuggling drugs to European countries. Kims era is Europe. I think he uses Kim to smuggle his drugs into Europe while Kim provides from the money your dad gives him for it."
You sighed. "And he can't do that on another way?"
"Smuggling drugs in a living human is a big deal actually. It's not that easy to find out."
You raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean in a living human?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "They eat the drugs in plastic bags. Or they get those drugs implanted into their body."
You looked at him disgusted. "That's barbarous."
He nodded. "But people like Park or Kim don't care about it."
You sighed, sitting down on the couch next to Wonwoo.
"How do I get out of this?"
He looked at you. "Moving away?"
You shook your head. "No chance, he's gonna find me everywhere."
"Well, then there is only one option."
You looked at him. "And what is it?"
"We have to kill them."

It was the next day. You were at work, documenting something from a client you just operated. Someone knocked on the door, making you look up.
"Come in."
The door opened and Wonwoo came in. For a second you thought your dad would visit you again.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, leaning back on your chair.
"My chest hurt so bad. I think something is with my ribs."
You sighed. "You haven't been to a doctor yet, right?"
He smiled. "I am at a doctor's place now."
You rolled your eyes, standing up from your chair.
"Idiot. Okay, lay down on the couch and take your shirt off."
He smirked at you. "Okay doctor."
"Pervert. Lay down."
He took his shirt off, before he laid down on the couch. You got close to him, taking your stethoscope off your neck, placing it on his chest.
"Breathe in."
He breathed in.
"And out."
He breathed out.
"Sounds like you have air in your chest where it doesn't belong to. Let me take an ultrasound to be sure."

You took the ultrasound stand to the couch, placing some gel on his chest. He flinched.
You smiled slightly. "Cold?"
He nodded. "Slightly, yes."
You placed the sensor on the gel, scanning his chest and taking some pictures of it. You nodded, when you saw a big black circle behind the broken rib.
"I was right. But we don't have to operate it. I will put a bandage around your chest. It's putting pressure on it. And you have to make some exercises."
He nodded. "Okay. When is this gone?"
You whipped off the gel on his chest. "Can't tell, it's different from body to body"
He sighed. "I have to be healthy, otherwise I can't take them down."
"I think this can wait some weeks."
"Do you know when the wedding is gonna be?"
You shook your head. "No. They wanted to talk the next days."
"Mhm, okay. Let me know when you know."
You laughed. "How? You don't have a phone."
"You will find a way."

You looked at him, he did the same. You have to admit, he is pretty. Handsome. You have never met someone so handsome like him before. Not even Mr. Kim comes close.
"Take a picture."
You blinked a few times. "What?"
He smirked. "Take a picture, so you can look at me whenever you want."
You rolled your eyes. "Idiot."
"I know I'm handsome."
"Oh wow you are decadent."
"Hey, I'm just saying facts. But I have to admit, you're pretty too."
You raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"
He nodded. "Not exactly my type, but you're pretty."
You rolled your eyes again, standing up. You got out some bandages out of the drawer, going back to him.
"Sit up."
He sat up.
"Arms up."
He put his arms up. You wrapped the bandage around his chest, putting in some pressure while doing it, what makes him flinch.
"So, done." You said, once you were done.

Someone knocked on your door. You sighed.
"Hide behind the door there." You pointed at the door to your changing room. "Maybe it's my dad."
He nodded, got his shirt and stand up, going into the changing room.
"Come in." You said, putting away all your utensils.
The door opened. Hello, y/n."
You turned around, facing Mr. Kim.
"Mr. Kim. What are you doing here?"
He smiled at you. "Wanted to see my future wife. Am I not allowed to do that?"
"Please don't say that word. I'm not okay with that deal you did with my father." You said, while going back to your desk, sitting down on the chair.
"That's another reason why I'm here." He sat down on the chair across from you.

"You wanna tell me you canceled the plan and let me be a free human? Great!" You clapped your hands.
He shook his head, smiling. "Close. I only agreed to that because I wanted your help with something."
You crossed your arms. "And what help is it?"
"I want you to help me kill your father."
Your jaw dropped. "What?"
"Let's say your father owns me a lot of money. He thought he could go away with it by marrying you off to me. I did agree to that, because you're a very attractive woman. But I'd rather want to see your father's head on my chimney."
You laughed. "And you think I would help you with that? He is my father."
"And I know what your father did to you and your family. So yes, yes I think you would help me with that."
"And the marriage?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "I still want to marry you, besides what happens."
You laughed again. "Wow. So you come here into my office and ask me to help you kill my father and say in the same second that you still want to marry me?"
He nodded. "Correct."

"You are crazy."
"A lot of people called me that before. Listen, there is a gala tomorrow at the national museum. I want you to come."
"As your date?"
He shook his head. "No not as mine. I want you to come with your friend who is running away from your father."
Your eyes widened. "How did you-"
"How did I know?" He laughed. "I know a lot of things,
y/n. Don't worry he will be safe. Your father won't kill him."
"Why do you want him to come?"
He smiled. "It's all part of the plan."

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