Chapter 2

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You blinked a few times. "What?"
He nodded. "You understood what I said."
"What have you done to make him hate you so much?"
"I said no to an order."
"And now he wants you dead?"
He nodded again.
You sighed. "Okay, I have a murder in my house, great."
"Doesn't seem like you have a problem with your dads business."
You looked at him. "You're wrong. I don't tolerate anything he does. Never had and never will."
"How come?"
You laughed. "You're really asking that? He is killing people. He orders others to kill for him. You were one of them. You think I tolerate murder?"

"I thought so, you grew up with that."
You shook your head. "I hate my father. But I can't run away from him."
"What does he think about you hating him?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. I just know that if I will tell the police anything about his 'business', he's gonna kill me."
"Would he kill his own daugther?"
"He already killed his own wife and son, so yes. Yes he would."
Wonwoo looked at you. "Sounds fucked up."
You nodded. "It is."

You stepped into your Kitchen, Wonwoo following you.
"So what is your plan now? Are you running away from them?"
"I tried." He sat down on a chair. "It was going well the last months but I had to get some cash and used my credit card. I guess they were searching for me in this era since then."
"Well, this isn't the best place for you to hide. Hajun or one of his men are coming here every day to look for me."
You grabbed some Ramen out of the kitchen counter. You looked at Wonwoo. "You want some too?"
He nodded. You grabbed another. You heated on some water, waiting for it to boil.
"Have you thought about going to the police once?" He asked.
"I had a boyfriend once who trained to be a police officer. Guess what."
Wonwoo isghed. "He got killed."
You nodded. "Exactly. I won't come near a police station, trust me."
"So you just try to ignore what happens?"

You nodded again. "I'm just glad that he didn't ruin my career as a doctor."
"When did you decided to become a doctor?"
The water began to boil, you put the ramen into it.
"When my mom dies in front of my eyes, because she got stabbed in her stomach. I couldn't help her, I just watched her bleed to death."
"That's.. dark."
You nodded. "Yeah..."

"How did you got into this?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "I was young and needed money. I don't care about others, so this job was kinda perfect for me. But I had one rule - people who are not in charge and children are tabu. I had to kill a family, the man didn't pay your dad back, I had to kill him and his kids. I didn't do it. Your dad wasn't amused that I rejected an order from him. You are not allowed to let feelings lead you in this business is what he said to me, when he tried to kill me the first time."
You cut some green onions. "You have soft spot, wow. Thought you were an asshole in the first sentence you said."
He laughed. "I am an asshole but I have my boundaries."
"So what is your plan now?"

"I don'thave one yet. If I can stay here tonight, I'll go in the morning, grabbing my belongings from my recent hide and go somewhere else. I have to rest, I wouldn't survive another meeting with Hajun."
The ramen were ready. You put the ramen into bowls, putting some green onions on it, placing it infront of Wonwoo on the table. You sat down across from him.
"Thank you." He said, starting to blow down the ramen.
"So you're only running away from time to time?"
He nodded slightly. "I can't do anything. Me alone against them? Look at me now. And going to the police is like saying Oh look I killed some people too. And we have someone in there, who sabostage some cases. There's no coming out of there."
"What if we try to drag my father down together?"
He looks at you. "A doctor and a ex mafia member against the biggest mafia in town?"
You nodded. "I'm smart and you have the muscles."

He chuckled. "I'm more than just muscles."
You smiled at him. "But I don't know that yet. I'm gonna try to think of some plan."
He leand back on his chair. "Why are you helping me now?"
"I'm not helping you, you are helping me. I wanted to see my dad dead since I was 9 years old, now I'm 25."
He smiled slighty. "I see. Okay."
"I have to work tomorrow from 7am to 6pm. You can't stay here till then, Hajun will probably check my house."
"Does he have a key to it?"
You shook your head. "No, but he observes the house."
He nodded. "Okay. I'll leave then and come back once I found a new hide and if it's safe enough."
You reached out your hand. "Okay."
He looked at your hand smiling. "Okay." He shook your hand.

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