Chapter 4

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You nodded. "Okay. We'll be there."
Mr. Kim smiled at you. "Great. See you tomorrow."
He stood up, going to the door. "Oh and y/n?"
You looked at him.
"I really love the color red."
You laughed. "Don't even think about it."
He winked at you, before leaving your office. You sighed, leaning back on your chair. The door behind you opened and Wonwoo came out the dressing room. He stepped infront of your desk, looking at you.
"What the hell was that?" He asked.
You shook your head. "I have no idea. But I'm concernd. He knows about you. How does he know about you?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. We meet a few times before, but he shouldn't know that I was at your house or thta we have contact in general. Have you noticed someone else at your house when you were home the last days?"

"No. Only you and Hajun. You haven't noticed anything too?"
He shook his head this time. "No. You think he and Hajun?"
"I don't know. Maybe. What do you think about the ball?"
Wonwoo smiled. "To be honest?
You nodded.
"I like the idea of standing right in front of your father with you on my side. He is gonna be mad. But I'm not quite sure yet if we can trust Kim Mingyu. It's kinda strange, that he wants me to your date."
"Yeah that's what I thought too. But if could be a good upportunity for us."
He nodded. "Yeah. Let's just hope I won't get killed tomorrow."
You looked up at him, smiling. "What's your favorite color?"
He laughed. "You won't wear red, right?"

"Definetly not."
He smiled. "I like black. Something simple."
You nodded. "Okay. Let's go shopping."
"Have you forgotten, that your father wants to kill me? I can't go out and do some shopping with you."
You stood up, going into the changing room. You grabbed a baseball cap and a mask, going back to Wonwoo.
"Here." You handed him those things. "They won't notice you and it's not even 5 p.m. Every street is crowded, they won't recognize you."
Wonwoo sighed, before putting the cap and mask on. "Okay, let's go."

Wonwoo and you went into a store that sells gowns. You looked around, collecting some dresses to try on.
"Do you have a suit or should we buy one too?"
Wonwoo looked around. "I have one."
"Is it wearabel? I can buy one, no worry."
He looked at you. "I should let you buy me a suit?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "Yeah, why not?"
He laughed. "I have one, don't worry about it. Try your dresses on."
You sighed, going into the dressing room.

Wonwoo POV

He sat down on a chair infront of the dressing room y/n just went in. He looked around, noticing the cameras in the shop. I hope they don't save those files.
Y/n went out the dressing room, looking down at him. "And? What do you think?"
He looked up and down at her. "Kinda boring for a ball."
Y/n rolled her eyes, going back in the dressing room.
"You think Kim Mingyus words are trustworthy?"
"Abut what?"
"That he wants to kill your father. He wants to kill your father with our help."
"I don't know. But what I do know is that we need help to kill him. You alone won't make it."
"Excuse me, how'd you know?"
"Oh c'mon, Wonwoo. You're injured. And it wont go away in the next three days."
He sighed. He knew she was right, but giving everything into someones hands he doesn't even know didn't sound right to him.
Y/n came out again. Wonwoo looked at her, his eyes widened.

"And? Is this too basic for you too?" She asked, looking down at him.
He swallowed, before looking her figure up and down. She looked gorgeous. Her dress was satin, a big slit on the side, so you could see her leg and the back was completely open. She should have worn the other one.
He blinked a few times, before looking up at her. "What?"
She laughed. "I guess that's the dress."
He hawked. "Yeah, I think it's a good choice."
Y/n smiled, before going back in.
Wonwoo sighed and leaned back on the chair.
Fuck. He didn't think you could throw him off track like that. He had to admit, that you were one of the most beautiful women he has ever met. But seeing you in that dress made him feel things, he haven't felt in a long time.
Y/n came out again, the dress she chooses in her hands. He got up, going with her to pay. The two of them left the store, once y/n paid the dress.
"Are you going home now?" Y/n asked, looking at him.
He nodded, looking around. "Yeah. What time should we meet tomorrow?"
"I don't know. let's go there by 8 p.m."
"Okay, I'll be at your house by 7."
Y/n nodded. "Okay. See you tomorrow!"
She smiled at him one last time, before going away. And with her, his feelings.

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