Chapter 1

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You jogged down the hill, following the street down your house. It was already late at night, no one was on the streets. You heard the sirens of the police not far away from you.
"What happened now again?" Yout thought out loud.
You lived in a neighborhood not that far away from Hongdae, so you were pretty used to hear the police sirens almost every day. You saw your house at the end of the street, but something was odd. Something, or more like someone, was lying in your front yard. You stopped, looking down at the person. It was a man, maybe in his 20s and he seemed injured.
"Hello? Mister?" You hit him softly with your foot. He doesn't move.
You sighed and squated down next to him. You checked his pulse - he his still breathing. You sighed out of relief. At least he is not dead.
You tried to wake him up, noticing, that he is bleeding badly. You got out your phone, wanting to call the ambulance.

You looked down at him.
He tried to sit up, but failed out of pain. "Don't call someone."
"You're obviously injured."
"Don't, please."
You sighed. "Okay. Should I call you an uber?"
He shook his head. "I'm good."
"You don't look like it. You're passed out in my front yard, being horrible injured. Your head is bleeding."
He sat up, crying out in pain. "Nothing what sleep couldn't fix."
You rolled your eyes. "Okay."
You got up, stepping over him, going to your door. You wanted to unlock the door, but you hesistated. You couldn't just go away, leaving him lying there. You swore a few years ago, when you got your doctor title, that you would help everyone in need. That's why you wanted to become a doctor, to help people. And now you're leaving him alone to die? Not gonna happen.
You turned around, going up to him.
"Let me help you." You looked down to him.
He looked up. "Leave-"
"Shut up and let me help you."

He sighed. "Okay."
You helped him get up. The two of you went to your door, you unlocked it and went in. You walked him to the bathroom, sitting him down on the floor.
You got your utensils out of your cabinet, sitting down next to him.
"This could hurt now."
You looked at him.
He nodded. "Go ahead."
He closed his eyes, lying back on the bathtub. You looked at him. He was pretty, handsome. He looked familiar, like you have seen him before. But don't know where. His black hair was dirty from lying on the ground, blood is sticking on it. You just let a random man come into your house, who was obviously in a fight or something. And now he is sitting on your bathroom floor.

You disinfect his wounds on his head, making him whimper in pain.
"I have to sew it."
He nodded slightly.
You brought out needle and thread, starting to sew his wound on his forehead. He didn't flinch, not one bit - like he is used to it.
After finishing his wounds on his head, you looked for other injuries.
"What else hurts?"
He touched his belly. "My stomach and back, but I guess it's just some abdomen."
"Let me see it."
He opened his eyes and looked at you. "Are you a doctor or something?"
You nodded. "I am, yes."
"You look pretty young to be doctor."
"And you look pretty suspicious to ask any further questions."
He chuckled. "Okay, Miss."

You helped him take off his jacket and shirt. Now you don't only have a foreign injured man sitting in your house - he is even half naked now. And let's say, he can definitely show it off. He had a tattoo on his right side. It showed some kind of mandala. You saw this once.
But where?
His stomach and chest are covered in dark bruises. You touched his chest. He flinched.
"I guess some of your ribs are broken. But that's not that bad."
You took out a stethoscope, placing it on his chest.
"Take a deep breath in."
He breathed in.
"And out."
He breathed out.
You took the stethoscope off. "Your lungs are free, that's good. The ribs will heal by time, the bruises go away. You should meet your doctor in the next few days so they can look after your wounds on your head. You can get rid of the thread in about two weeks."
He looked at you. "Why are you helping me?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "Helper syndrome, I guess. It's my job to help the people in need. You needed help and medical care."

"That's why you leave a foreign man in your house?"
"I never said I was smart when it comes to that."
He smiled slightly. "Thank you."
"I thought you would never say that."
You stood up, cleaning everything up.
"You want some pain killers before you go?"
He got up, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, putting his shirt on. "Who says, I'm going?"
You looked at him. "I say that."
He hesitated. "I'm not the person to ask this on a daily basis but can I stay here tonight?"
You crossed your arms. "You're asking me to let you stay tonight? I don't know you. Not even your name."
He smiled. "I'm Wonwoo."
That name was also pretty familiar. You definitely heard it before.
You nodded. "I'm y/n."
"Nice to meet you, y/n."
"Don't know if I can say the same thing. Why do you wanna stay tonight?"
"It's... too dangerous to go out for me now."
"How did that happen?" You pointed at his body.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Just some old friends who had a bad day."
"Great friends you have."
"You take what you get."
"Now the truth, what happened? I see people like you almost every day at the hospital. And your tattoo. It kinda looked familiar, does it have a meaning?"
"Familiar? What do you mean?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know, just feels like it wasn't the first time seeing this motive."
"It's a.. friendship tattoo."
You raised an eyebrow. "A friendship tattoo?"
He chuckled. "You don't believe me, right?"
"Not one word."
"How can I earn your trust?"
You shrugged your shoulders.
"Maybe don't be so suspicious?"

You heard someone knocking on your front door.
"Y/n! Open the door!"
You sighed. Not them again.
"Wait here." You say before turning your back on him. You got to your door, opening it. Hajun and one of his teammates were standing on your front porch.
You laid on your doorframe. "Hajun. What do you want?"
"Have you seen something suspicious tonight?"
"What do you mean?"
"Did something happen here? Did you see something?"
"Or someone." The other guy said.
Are they talking about Wonwoo? Did they do this to him? Does he have something to do with them?
You looked at him, then at Hajun. "Haven't noticed anything, I was at work the whole day. I just came home 15 minutes ago."
Hajun nodded slightly. "If you see or hear something.. call me, or your dad."
You nodded. "I will."
He took a look inside your house, then left your house. You watched them walk away, before shutting the door close. You sighed.

"How do you know Hajun?"
You turned around, facing Wonwoo.
"How do you know Hajun?"
"I asked first."
You rolled your eyes. "He works for my father."
Wonwoo looked at you, anger and fear slowly creeping up his face. "What?"
"He works for my dad."
"What does your dad do for a living?"
"That's non on your business."
"Tell me."
You crossed your arms. "No."
He clenched his jaw. "Y/n. Tell. Me."
You hesitate. "He is... part of the mafia."
You sighed again. "He is the boss of the mafia."
"Park Jung-Woo?"
You blinked a few times. "Yeah, how do you-"
"Your dad wants me dead. That's why Hajun was here. He is looking for me."

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