Chapter 6. The astonishing and twisted showdown. Part 2

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Words in bold are to indicate which character is speaking.

Underlined text is for explanations of situations in general.

*Text in italics and between asterisks is for actions and thoughts*.

--- The use of the midscript is for scene change or time changes. ---

(The use of the in parentheses is for clarification within the texts)

//The use of diagonals is for the narrator (imagine that it is the voice of the guard for a greater investment in the story, it is also in bold because it is an extra character). //


---Continuing with the previous part---

Doc. Parker *Shoots the Great Web-Shooter at the transformed Peter HoM*

Spider-Man *Shoots impact webs to try to slow him down*

Peter HoM *Blocks both attacks seamlessly*

Doctor Strange: I can feel in his being the presence of several Spider-Men, several Green Goblins and Doctor Octopus, how is that possible. *He would say shocked*

Clea: Spider-Man, what happened in the last few years since they put the spell on you? *He hurriedly questioned*.

Spider-Man: I ended with a mental copy of Doctor Octopus, Norman's sins, and memories of a version of me from the Darkhold. Showing up here ended all that and he consumed them to strengthen himself. *Analyzing what Doctor Strange saw and what Doctor Strange said and at the same time dodged the attacks of Peter HoM's tentacles, although he received several scratches*.

Doc. Parker: That explains everything. *Backing up while still shooting*.

Peter HoM: Wow, you were able to understand it *He said mockingly*, I wasn't the only one discarded and forgotten here, they were all fuel for my evolution . *He ended it in a spooky way and using his laugh that causes paranoia*.

Spider-Man and Doc Parker shudder at sonic attack.

Doctor Strange: Hold on!! * He would shout to his companions * Peter (HoM) I don't see what you became, you went from being a hero to being a monster. *He would say bluntly*.

Clea: Or do you know the consequences of absorbing other consciousnesses? *He would finish with his question*.

Peter HoM: I know who I am now, and I know the consequences, that's why I just absorbed their knowledge and their wills. The rest I destroyed once and for all. *He would respond at the same time as throwing several pumpkin bombs*.

Spider-Man takes Doc. Parker and is propelled out of a big jump to avoid explosions

Spider-Man *Remember the Otto who sacrificed everything to do the right thing, the one who earned his respect*: Monster, now I won't be nice anymore. Let's attack with everything. *He would scream furiously*

Peter HoM: What are they going to do if they can barely cope with me. *He responds arrogantly*.

Spider-Man: Well, it's not my first mental fight, and I know I can do this *Raises his hand to the sky*.

Peter HoM: If you try to summon your loved ones, I'm telling you right off the bat, it's not going to work. *He said mockingly and proceeded to shoot laser beams from his hands*.

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