Chapter 12. Sinister conspiracy. Part 2

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Words in bold are to indicate which character is speaking.

Underlined text is for explanations of situations in general.

*Text in italics and between asterisks is for actions and thoughts*.

--- The use of the midscript is for scene change or time changes. ---

(The use of the in parentheses is for clarification within the texts)

//The use of diagonals is for the narrator (imagine that it is the voice of the guard for a greater investment in the story, it is also in bold because it is an extra character). //


--- Continuation of the previous chapter ---


Spider-Man speeds to the Third Avenue Bridge, stopping nearby to try to visualize the villains that make up the horror team that are Scorpion, Hobgoblin, Shocker, Digger and Hydro-Man. Until he noticed two black vans with black windows from which the villains emerged. Hydro-Man was the first to come out of the back and directly went into the water to become giant and block the opposite side of the bridge, then followed by the Hobgoblin getting out of the second van, which quickly took flight throwing a few pumpkin bombs to cause terror. Then Scorpion and Shocker came out, although the latter came out of the passenger seat with a large bag. Between the four of them, they finished completely covering the bridge, holding the civilians hostage.

//End of narration//

Shocker: Very well if you don't want to leave here in black bags, hand over everything of value in the bag.

Spider-Man: The only thing of value you'll have are Spidey bruises *He appears by surprise kicking the Hobgoblin out of his glider and shooting him with an impact web, at the same time as he throws a web grenade at Digger*.

Scorpion *Surprised*: Spider-Man? But how is it possible that you are here?

Spider-Man: Well, as I tell you, I also have something of a magician. *Throwing an anti-gravity disc at Hydro-Man which ended up disabling temporary*.

Shocker: Damn spider always meddling in our affairs *He proceeds to attack with his shockwaves*.

Spider-Man, anticipating the attack thanks to the spider-sense, defends himself by taking Hobgoblin as a human shield knowing that he would resist him, he also took his bag where he had his pumpkin bombs. All this lasted just seconds, the time it took Shocker to react by stopping his attack.

Hobgoblin: Damn...*He would be able to say before he fainted*.

Spider-Man throws a pumpkin bomb at the two villains, Scorpion blocks the attack preventing Shocker from being taken out of combat, but the smoke from the explosion disabled their vision, giving him a chance to surround them.

Scorpion: Not so fast *Would shoot a poisonous beam in Spider-Man's direction*.

Spider-Man simply jumps in dodging the attack by throwing a second pumpkin bomb causing them to separate. He would then dodge an attack from Digger thanks to the spider-sense by crouching and jumping backwards.

Spider-Man: How he broke free from the webs so quickly *He thought analyzing Digger's improvements*. Wait, that backpack is similar to the one Spider-Boy has, that means I have to discard everyone who can replicate my technology. *He would speak mentally*.

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