Chapter Five: A Sleep Emergency

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Clary had never been happier to wake up to a Saturday morning. Despite having only had a relatively small amount of alcohol to drink the previous night, she woke up with a massive head ache. Isabelle, on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine even though Clary was pretty sure that she had drunk her weight in liquor. The red head rolled over and watched her roommate shuffle around, putting on makeup and getting dressed.

"What are you doing getting ready this early?" Clary asked, groggily.

Isabelle laughed. "Hunny, it's already two in the afternoon."

Clary sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes. "Damn. Really was a long night last night, huh?"

"I couldn't sleep in, though," Isabelle scoffed. "Your phone kept ringing and buzzing. Someone really wanted to get ahold of you this morning."

Clary reached out blindly for her phone on the nightstand as she yawned. Picking it up, it buzzed in her hand. An unknown number flashed across the screen. A quick clearing of her throat helped her sound less sleepy as she clicked the 'Answer Call' button. Before she could even say a thing, a familiar voice rushed through the phone, sounding almost angry.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls? Or my texts, for that matter. It has been hours!"

"Jonathan?" Clary asked, bewildered at both why he was nagging her about answering and how he gotten her phone number. "What's your problem?"

"My problem? Seriously? Don't you remember?" Jonathan bombarded. "We were supposed to work on the project today." He almost sounded hurt.

Clary, however, never remembered making plans with him for that day. "Look, I'm sorry. I must have forgotten. Can we just reschedule? I said it yesterday, we have a lot of time."

"Is that an excuse to go hang out with Wayland again?" At this point, Jonathan sounded silly and jealous, like a child that had their new toy taken away from them.

"It sounds to me like you have something that you need to work out with yourself. Call me when you don't want to be an asshole," she snapped into the phone, ending the call without hearing anything else. Isabelle watched her with a smirk.

"I knew there was a little fight in you, Miss Sass." Clary rolled her eyes and stood from her warm cocoon of blankets. "What's your plan for the day?"

"I dunno," Clary shrugged. "Take a walk, I guess? Get some food? Socialize? I'll figure it out along with way." She grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants and changed quickly. Braiding her hair out of her face, she bid goodbye to her roommate and waltzed out of the dormitory.

Being able to walk around campus without having a class to hurry along to sure did have its perks. She walked through the gardens, explored the art hall, and got to do a little people watching. An hour into her activities, her stomach rumbled loudly.

"Hungry?" A voice asked from behind her.

She whipped around to see Alec leaning against a brick wall. "Uh, yeah..." She trailed off.

"I was about to go grab a bite off campus, from a fast food place down the road," he began, off handed and coolly. "Do you want to come?"

The red head had to think about it for a moment. On the one hand, Clary truly was hungry. On the other hand, Ale hadn't seemed to like her very much before that point in time, so she wasn't quite clear on his motives in the situation. In the end, her hunger won out.

"That would be great. Thanks," she said with a smile. He returned it with a small, simple smile of his own.

Apparently, Alec had a car that he used for trips home and to the store, or wherever else he had to go that wasn't on campus. The car was simple and sleek; Clary saw it almost as a metaphor for his personality. She made a mental note to try and figure out more about the mysterious boy, whether it be from him, or from his friends.

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