Chapter Seven: Friends, Old and New

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Waking up hungover after Clary's night of drinking was an interesting experience for her. At first, she could only gather her bearings; she had a massive headache and her head was resting on something hard and comfy. After thinking for a moment, she came to the conclusion that she must have her head resting on someone's chest. However, when she discovered who the mystery figure was, she jolted upright, pushing her hair out of her face to make sure that she wasn't just seeing things.

Next to her was Jace, sound asleep, on top of the covers. His shirt was slightly rumpled in the area that he head was nuzzled on. He almost looked... Oh, what was the word? Ah, yes. Angelic. With his golden hair fanned out like a halo above his head, he looked like an angel without wings.

Apparently Clary's absence was enough to wake Jace from his slumber. He sat up and rubbed his eyes like a child before letting them scan the room sleepily, as if not recognizing where he was.

"Waking up in the same bed two times in a row. How scandalous of us," Clary chirped from beside him, yawning at the end. Jace laughed and nodded.

"Definitely. People are going to start talking soon," he retorted back.

"We'll be the latest campus gossip. I don't know how we'll function, Wayland."

"It'll be tough, but I think we can survive the aftermath of our sleeping arrangements," he replied, looking up with fake hopefulness. Clary broke out into a snicker, which Jace joined her in.

The older boy climbed out of bed first, followed by Clary.

"Thanks," she said with a smile. "For last night, I mean. I'm sure I was a bit of a handful. I can't imagine having to put up with me."

Jace made his way to the door with a chuckle. As he exited, he threw over his shoulder, "Don't worry, it was my pleasure."

Isabelle came home a few minutes later, all dazzled and in her prime, as usual. She didn't seem to be aware of the fact that Clary had seen her and whoever she was with naked the night before, and she wasn't about to say anything about it.

"I just passed Jace in the hallway; was he in here with you?" Isabelle asked with a curious look on her face.

Clary nodded. "Yeah. I kind of got really drunk last night and he stayed overnight with me to make sure I didn't choke on my own vomit or something."

Isabelle laughed. "Sure, that's why he stayed. I'm sure he's trying to convince himself of that, too."

Clary rolled her eyes and got a change of clothes to put on. Once she was freshened up and not looking too terribly awful, she asked, "Hey, Izzy, do you want to go get some dinner later? My treat." She hoped that her roommate would accept the invitation so that she wouldn't have to dine alone.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Great, let's meet up at around seven. Jonathan wanted to talk with me, hopefully to apologize, so I have to go see him," Clary explained, grabbing her messenger bag and heading out the door.

"Be careful!" Isabelle called out as her roommate left. Despite the fact that he seemed like he was acting nice around Clary, Isabelle had a bad feeling about Jonathan.

The library, which served as their usual meeting place, was where Clary found herself ten minutes later, waiting on the steps for Jonathan to arrive. It was rather serene outside, the sun barely beginning to set. Varying shades of pinks and oranges dusted the sky, intermingling with the average crisp blue. Sitting on her position atop of the hill, Clary watched Jonathan's figure climb the slope. The brilliant colors behind him cast shadows over his face and body, making him stand out starkly.

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