Chapter 26

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Zeta POV

I wake up to a nightmare v that isn't quite as bad as usual. I feel a lot more rested so that helps. My phone says it's 6:30 in the morning, so Matteo must've left not long ago.

I decided to go to my room and get ready for the day. I have a while before my day with Gianni. I don't know what to expect today. He obviously has a problem with me, but Massimo said our time together is non-negotiable.

After getting ready, I decided that I'll eat later and dive into a Pokemon game. I don't even have the energy to think. Just want a distraction.

Xander comes in at about 10. "Hey Z. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just playing Pokemon until I have to go out with Gianni" I reply.

"About that. He's just being difficult because he was so close with our father who has convinced him you're unsafe here. I know deep down he cares, even if he doesn't realize it."

I take in the information and just nod. I want to be understanding, but he doesn't have to be so unwelcoming. I didn't choose the crash, but I don't need to complain to Xander. It's Gianni that I need to confront, but who knows if I'll ever gain the courage.

"Anyway," Xander continues. "If anything happens today or it becomes too much, call me. I don't have much work so I'll be here whenever."

"Thanks, Xan. I think I'll be okay. How bad could it be?"

"That's the spirit!" He says while ruffling my hair. Before I can yell at him, he's scrambling out of the room. What a child. 

I hang out in my room for a while longer before going down to get a snack. After eating some fruit, I go to wait near the front door for Gianni. I don't need to be late and make him any more annoyed. Although I have healed a lot from my past, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that Gianni puts me on edge. I've seen how fast someone can turn from annoyed to angry and angry to abusive. My goal today is to keep him as calm as possible and then maybe we can be civil towards one another. 

"Let's go" Gianni says as he walks right past me and out the door. As we get in the car, he begins driving, and we are encompassed by a tense silence. I'm dreading this more and more by the second. The part of me that can't stand silence wants to try to talk, but the fearful me doesn't want to anger him.

We pull into an ice rink. We are going skating? Before I can even ask, he says, "I'm meeting my friends here. Just skate by yourself and don't bother me." I nod. I am kind of disappointed thinking we might get closer, but also relieved I won't have to be walking on eggshells all day.

It's been an hour since we got our skates, and, to my surprise, I'm actually enjoying myself. Sure, I'm lonely, but something about gliding on the ice is just soothing. I haven't skated recently, but I went a few times with Akira. After an initial stumble or two, I was just skating around, lost in thought.

I am starting to get tired, so I decide to take a break. I take off my skates and get a snack. I've caught sight of Gianni's group a few times. He seems to be laughing and having a great time. And my peaceful mood is gone. Why does he hate me? Part of me is happy he isnt angry, but more of me is upset.

With my past, I try not to get my hopes up. Hope leads to destruction too much. But, deep down, I had hope for us to get closer today. I thought maybe he's just off with everyone. But seeing him with his friends, I know he just really doesn't want anything to do with me.

I shouldn't care, but I do. Tears well in my eyes. I go to the bathroom to hide my emotional state. Luckily, the bathroom is empty and being too wash my face. I jump when I hear the bathroom door slam shut.

My heart rate quickens even further when I see a man has entered and locked the door. He looks much older, maybe in his 40s, and everything about him screams no good.

I'm frozen in panic. He keeps approaching. "You know, it's not good to go places alone" he chuckles. He gets closer and lunges at me. One hand is at the base of my throat, pinning me against the wall. His knee is pinning my hip, painfully. He starts using his other hand to feel around my upper body. I feel disgusted. Hot tears roll down my face. "you're going to feel so good" he says as he starts trying to unbutton my jeans. At that moment, my fight mode kicks in. I swing my fist up and punch him. He stumbled back in surprise.

I take that to my advantage and punch and punch until he is laying unconscious. I run out of the bathroom and straight to the car. I text Gianni and tell him Massimo wants us home. It's not true but I don't want to explain to him what happened

I use the car mirror to help clean myself up. I pull the strings of my hoodie so it is tight against my neck and hides the redness on my neck. I wipe my face to hide evidence of the tears and I pull the sleeves over my knuckles to hide the damage from fighting. Overall, I look in presentable. Especially for Gianni. Enzo and Massimo would notice in a second. Which means I'll avoid them for as long as possible.

Gianni comes out a few minutes later. He looks at me skeptically, but I'm doesn't say anything. We get in the car and drive home silently. I do see him glance my way a few times. When we arrive, I go straight to my room. I get under the covers and cry. I don't want to be alone, but I can't seem to tell them what happened. I hope they never find out, but they seem to figure everything out so it's only a matter of time.

I texted Massimo that I had a migraine and asked to skip dinner and eat in my room. He said that it's fine, but he'll come check on me after dinner. I decide to take a shower and figure out a way to hide any evidence of what happened today before jumping back in bed and waiting.

Massimo POV

Zeta isn't feeling well. She's not someone who complains ever, so I know she must really need to stay in bed if she's asking not to come to dinner. I must admit that I have fallen back into working too much. I hope she's okay. I also hope that this migraine doesn't have anything to do with her day with Gianni. I'm going to question him at dinner.

I'm the last one to arrive so food is served as soon as I'm seated.

"Where's Z?" Matteo asks.

"She's not feeling well so she will eat later. I'm going to check on her after dinner." I say and then direct my attention towards Gianni. "Gianni, your day with Zeta doesn't have anything to do with her sudden headache, does it?"

He hesitates a little. "I don't think so, we just went ice skating. She told me you texted her wanting us home so we left.She was acting a little strange on the way home, but you know we aren't that close, so I figured she wouldn't want to tell me" he said.

I never told her to come home. Something must've happened.

"I never told her to come home." I voiced.

Everyone got a confused look on our face. I made eye contact with Enzo, communicating that we would get to the bottom of this with Zeta after dinner.

It also means something likely happened and Gianni wasn't watching her. I decided to wait until I talk to Zeta to start making accusations. Gianni doesn't seem to be lying, but nothing is adding up.

The other three brothers look worried, but they know we will handle it.

We all finish our dinner. The boys go to their rooms or wherever else they want while Enzo and I head to Zeta's room.

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