Chapter 41

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Zeta POV

I couldn't tell you how long I've been staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out how everything could go wrong so fast. I'm starting to think I'm cursed.

It's been over a month since my fight with the boys, and it has quite possibly been the best month of my entire life. The boys were making good on their promises to show me how loved I am. There wasn't a night where I was alone. My nightmares were becoming less and less. I still had days where grief was eating at me, but one of my brothers was always there to pick me up. We even started having family nights once a week.

Yesterday was one of our family days. No one really wanted to do much so we just hung out in the pool during the day and then we went out to a casual restaurant to watch the football game together. We spent the whole time changing between intently watching and joking with each other. It was one of many perfect days we've had. I stupidly let myself have hope. 

What a stupid thing. My life starts going good and I let my guard down. I of all people should know how dangerous having hope is. Although, I must admit that the hurt hasn't hit yet. I'm just equally shocked and anxious. 

It all started when we pulled into the driveway. I instantly got a sense that something was wrong. The rest of my brothers seemed fine and happy though, so I ignored the feeling. Until we walked into the house and heard a man's voice. Everyone seemed confused, but no one seemed alarmed considering the guards were still all around and calm.

As we walked into the living room , my heart dropped to my stomach. Actually, I think it may have left my body. There stood my father. What is worse, my brother's all seemed excited. Even emotionless Enzo had a ghost of a smile. The only one who seemed to be mirroring my discomfort was Massimo, something I would question him about later. 

They all seemed to forgive him for giving me up. I know they think he had good intentions, but I am doubtful. Plus, they should demand answers after learning of my past and what I went through. But no, of course it is easy to forget me. I know I shouldn't blame them. They were really missing him, but it still hurts.

After greeting the boys and telling them how happy he is to see them, he made eye contact with me. "Zeta, I heard you were back and couldn't wait to see you again!" He said with a smile. It looked genuine, but I could tell it was fake. It was the same evil smile he wore when he told me I was worthless and abandoned me. 

I stood shocked, not answering as my mind was racing with bad memories. Gianni spoke first: 
"Z, stop being rude and say hello to our dad!" I couldn't believe him. I looked around seeing everyone sharing the same disappointed look at Gianni. Enzo seemed to be slightly more supportive of my feelings, but still he neglected to intervene. Massimo had an angry face on, but it seemed to be at our father rather than me. Well at least some gets it. "Your dad, my sperm donor" I snapped and left the room. As I left to my room, I heard some of the boys apologizing for my behavior, which hurt even more. I heard my dad say something along the lines of "It's okay boys. It is what I expect from a teenage girl. I'll discuss discipline with Massimo later. For now, let's catch up." Disgusting. He abandoned me and I'm getting punished? Luckily, Massimo is my guardian and not him. He seems to dislike him just as much as me. 

I haven't left my room since that moment. My mind overwhelmed with thoughts. The sun rose about an hour ago, and I haven't slept a wink. I even skipped my workout, not wanting to talk to anyone. I'm hoping he isn't staying and I can forget this ever happened.

Massimo POV

How dare he show his face back here. I am a man of my word. Yes, I messed up with Zeta, but that was out of protection. I will break the news to my siblings about how he is, then I know they will be just as eager as me to throw him in the cells and torture him until he takes his last breath. 

I have been in my office all night, fuming at his presence. Zeta is locked in her room. Enzo tried to check on her, but we decided to give her some space since it was locked. He could hear her moving, so we knew she was okay.

Enzo has caught on that he is missing something by my reactions, but the rest of the boys remain oblivious. He is in the gym right now since I haven't given him anything to clue him in. I don't know how to break it him just yet. I know my promise to Zeta to tell her things and I think she deserves to know more than anyone. 

 Suddenly, my office door opens without a knock. Immediately, I know it is the sick scum that is my father. "Hello boy, I see you let that inconvenience back into my boys life" he starts with. I see red.

"First, she's my sister, not an inconvenience. The only inconvenience here is you. You're lucky I haven't told the boys the truth about you yet or you'd already be in the cells" I reply sharply. I'm showing so much restraint by not just killing him here.

"All bark no bite still I see. Aww big brother cares too much. Well I gotta go catch up with my boys. I just came here to let you know that I went ahead and took care of your inconvenience for her. A brat like her doesn't belong in his family" he threw paperwork down.

I looked at the paper and stopped reading as soon as I saw the words arranged marriage. "You've got to be kidding me. Shred this now and tell them no. I'm not selling off my sister. Get out" I yell.

"But son, you know as well as me that this is life or death. Fail this deal and the whole family will be targeted. She's a nuscience. Might as well make an alliance while getting rid of her" he replies.

I've lost control and point my gun at his head. "I will find a way out of this myself. Get out now before your brains make my office a mess." He leaves with a smirk on his face.

I cannot believe this man. I need to get Zeta out of this immediately. I start reading the terms and see the wedding is to take place at some point after her eighteenth birthday but before her nineteenth birthday. That give us over a year to figure this out. There's also options for her husband. It is all mafia's we aren't currently aligned with, but they are aligned with one another. I guess they agreed knowing an alliance with one of them indirectly means an alliance with all of them. I really hope I can get her out of this.

I know I will need everyone's help. And now I know I have to tell them the truth. Starting with Z. She deserves to know the most. What a mess. I can't wait to kill that man.

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