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                          Elysian Monroe

I couldn't sleep, I honestly tried. My mind just, wouldn't stop thinking about Raina or her connection with my mother. I lowly groaned, if her name is actually Raina Woodsen.

I have searched every browser, every website, and every social media platform I could think of. There is no Raina Woodsen or at least, the woman I'm trying to find doesn't exist.

I didn't even know what to do from here, that was the only lead I had. I lowly hummed as an idea suddenly hit me. I turn my attention back to my laptop and type in my mother's name.

She was a simple woman to my knowledge, avoided the public eye quite well too. I scrolled through the many websites of Facebook profiles and stumbled upon something dated from her teen years.

I clicked on the website. It's a federal prison. My goodness, my mother went to prison? I grabbed the notebook next to me and wrote down important things from the article.

She was charged with three counts of robbery. She was also charged with possession of a stolen vehicle. I lowly sighed, I didn't know how to feel about this.

Once I got everything from the article, I got out of it and continued scrolling. After a few minutes of scrolling, I found something else.

I clicked on the article and lowly sighed, she just couldn't stay out of prison. My heart dropped into my ass as I read the words. How could she have hit someone with her car, killed them and still post bail?

Who paid for it? It couldn't have been dad, they hadn't met each other yet. I lowly hummed, or so that's what I was told.

She was a teenager at this time so, maybe it was her mother. I lowly hummed, I don't know anyone that I could call and ask these questions to.

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked down at the time, it was almost 5am. Just glad I don't have to be in today. I returned my focus to the article and before I could close out of it, I thought of an idea.

I got out of bed and made my way out of my room. I didn't have to sneak, Eil was long asleep. I walked to my parent's room and opened the door, I closed it gently behind me.

Just because she was deep in sleep, doesn't mean I wouldn't close a door gently. It's always the unconscious noises that wakes her.

I turned towards their dresser and looked through mom's side. I remember seeing something that resembled a diary while I was searching for that letter.

I was down to the last drawer and I have yet to find it. I sighed in disbelief and closed the drawer. I stood up and made my way to the closet.

I bent down and looked through any bags that were in sight. Soon, I lowly groaned and threw a bag at the wall. I quickly realized my mistake and turned my head towards the door

I waited a few moments and lowly blew out a breath. Once I knew she was still asleep, my mind finally processed the noise. I shifted up closer to the wall and began tapping it

That, is not the sound of a normal wall. I lowly hummed and stood up. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned on my flashlight. The wall sounded hollow which means, someone went to some high lengths to hide something.

I soon found a line going done the end of the. I lowly hummed as it hit me. This was mom's doing. I remember she would occasionally remind me that if someone were to ever break in, to take Eil to their closet and hide.

I would laugh at her because, that's such an obvious hiding spot but, she made it seem like we'd be absolutely safe in here. I'd ask her how and all she would say was;

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