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Elysian Monroe

*Explicit content warning

"Do you remember what I told you to?" She whispered

I nodded my head, I was far too gone to try and speak. I kept my eyes on her, I completely forgot where we were now. After the helicopter ride, we went to this really fancy restaurant.

We didn't do much eating, we were too busy verbally teasing each other. The car ride was much more unbearable, I had no idea she could multitask with such, ease. I also didn't know she kept a vibrator in her armrest. I was too distracted to pay attention to where she had taken me, I didn't even care.

I lowly groaned as I heard said vibrator turn on. She pressed it up against the fabric and when she knew she had the right spot, she turned it up. She was still waiting for a response to her question. She moved it in a slow circular motion against my covered clit. As much as i wanted to admire her love for teasing, this was becoming painful.

"I'm all yours, my love." I groaned

When the words left my lips, the vibrator was turned off. I lowly sighed. I didn't know if I was relieved, or disappointed. Before I could attempt to do anything, I watched her climb on top of me.

She straddled my waist and bent forward. She began slowly unbuttoning the top of my pantsuit until, my breast were at her complete disposal. I watched as a smile made its way to her face, I've never had someone look at my chest with such admiration.

I lifted myself up slightly and took my arms out of the sleeves. I placed my hands back onto the sheets underneath them and watched as she brought hers back up.

She brought them to my back and unstrapped my bra. She slid the straps down and when the bra fell, the admiration in her eyes only grew. I watched she took her hands to her back and I heard a zipper being pulled. Seconds later, I saw her straps drop.

For the third time tonight, I am reminded that she is completely nude under this dress. She had taken her bra off in the restaurant to show me she didn't mind public nudity.

I slid the straps all the way down and took my own opportunity to admire her breast. I don't know how they looked before childbirth but, they're absolutely stunning.

She slid the dress off of herself and when she was completely nude, she slid my pantsuit all the way off. She tilted her head with chuckle, guessing she noticed I wore a matching set

"I like them to be matching." I shrugged

She only smiled in response and slid my panties off. This is the first time in my life during intercourse that, I feel vulnerable. Maybe it's the fact that, she's been slowly undressing me or, the fact we're now officially together.

She slowly trailed her eyes up and down my body, taking me in. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks in response to this, I didn't know how to feel under her gaze right now.

I had a few thigh tattoos that I wasn't a fan of anymore, I also had them up and down my back. She lifted her hand and trailed it down my stomach, she had her eyes locked on the first tattoo I had ever gotten. It was spider stuck in a web.

One of my many regretted tattoos, I thought it looked good at the time. I thought that for almost all of them. She stopped trailing her fingers and bent her head down, letting her lips continue the trail.

She used her hand to push me back down into the bed, I lowly chuckled at the action. Her head stop just above my pubic area. Her eyes lifted up to meet mine, I'm assuming she's waiting for confirmation. I smiled and nodded.

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