Chapter 34

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New chapter.....

For the first time Haru help Mei at the kitchen, Mei would only let Haru small things like take out the plate spoon etc and set it at dining table. Haru did just that and when he didn't have anything to do, he just stared at Mei whom busing cooking for their dinner. While Mei is cooking, she once in awhile ask something to Haru like what he was doing while she was at work. Haru told her that he just seat at the sofa watching what the television had shown him.

"You didn't change the channel to watch cartoon.?"
"Why not? you must be bored watch that is not interesting for children to watch."
"I was waiting..."
That made Mei stop from what she doing and look at Haru. This child is waiting for her to return home, he must be lonely .
"I am so sorry about that little one, I made sure to not return home late."
Haru just nodded, he now knows that Mei is not someone that will abandon him. He now trust her because she is a good and a warm person to be with.

Haru had stay with Mei for a week now and she still in the process of searching his family's name since there are so many people whom had the same name as Haru.
She hired a private investigator, she could not search Haru's family when she have to go to work and get back home late afternoon everyday.
Nowadays, hiring a private investigator isn't cheap.
But she knew that she have to do this because she felt that Haru still needs to be with his family.
She remember when she ask Haru who is his legal guardian and why he had been abandoned at the street.
Haru's demeanor change because he suddenly turn into a quite child because he truly didn't want to remember what had happened.
Haru told Mei the full story about how his aunt became the legal guardian of him, he did have grandparents and when his grandparents want to take custody of him.

His father's sibling object it since they already in their 70s, so his father's sibling didn't want them to be burden in taking care of him who is still a kid.
While on his mother's side of the family she doesn't have any family at all since she raised at the orphanage.
Even though his still a child but he understand it well about what the adult were talking when his parent's funeral service already ended and all of the family gather at the living room to discuss about what will happen to Haru.
There were heated arguement, but at the end of their discussion.
Hia aunt (his father's little sister), finally spoke that she would be the legal guardian of Haru and she will take care of him.
Without any hesitation, all of the family members agree, while his grandparent were a bit spectacle but in the end.
They also agree, and so they call the lawyer and ask the lawyer to take care the process of his aunt as the legal guardian towards Haru.

After that had been finished proceed, he started to live at where his aunt had live along with her family.
And it was far away from his where his grandparents from, which is why he rarely see them after that and not too long, his aunt abandoned him.
Haru didn't have that much memories of his aunty and her family because they treated him like he wasn't there and he also didn't make any scene of it because he knew that his aunty is the one that take care of him even though it was bare minimum that he got from her.

This made Mei determine to find Haru's grandparents since she now knows that beside his aunt, Haru still have his grandparent and they care for him. That's why she hired private investigator, so she could do the right thing by let Haru be by his family side. She wasn't his family and it wasn't right for her to let Haru be by her side just because she felt something for the kid.

She didn't tell Haru about it because she want to surprise Haru by letting his grandparent meet him here once she find where their from She wanted Haru to be happy again
She knows that now Haru is okay but deep down he must have misses his grandparent the only relative that cared for him.
She didn't think about anything else except for Harry's happiness.

It didn't take long for the private investigator to track down where Harry's grandparent live, he informed Mei about it She felt happy because her hiring a PI finally gave her the info that she been waiting for.
She met with the PI and all the information that had been put in a flash drive, the PI gave it to her and she took it.
She thank the PI for doing a great job and then they both part away.
Mei felt relief because she finally can reunite Haru to his grandparents.

When she arrived home, Haru drawing something on his notebook.
During his stay with her, she ask him whether he wanted something to kill sometime while she at work and he stay at home all day long.
She knew with just watching television, Haru probably got bored because a child need a lot of different activities in order for them to be more active.
Haru didn't ask for toys but instead he ask for a notebook etc.
Mei guessing that Haru likes write or draw something.
She could see that the day she buys all the stuff that Haru wants, he was so happy and thank her.

****Author's Thoughts****
How is everyone doing
Forgive this author for not updating this story for a long time Real world had consumed all of my time and I don't have any spare time to update this Anyway this chapter is a bit short and probably have misspell or something.
Anyway thank you all readers for your continuing support.. I will be update new chapter soon.

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