Chapter 22

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****Author's Thoughts****
Hello everyone. Thank you for the wait, here is chapter 22. Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter, the next chapter would be more about Yue and Miu's conversation and how things are between them. Hope you guys can wait for the next chapter.
Please voted if you think each chapter deserve to be voted. And do comment, it would made me happy to see if you guys can comment. Being a writer is not easy because there is so much I need to learn especially when do some writing or typing in English since it is not my main language.
Anyway have a good day or night y'll.
I will update next week.

Yue woke up early morning to get Leo ready for school, the first thing that he do is prepare their breakfast.
He needs to talk to Leo first, of course this suppose to be only him and Miu but thinking back. It also effect on Leo once he made the decision.
And he really needs to reconsider of Leo opinion about it.

Leo woke up when he felt someone shaking him lightly and when he opens his eyes, the first thing that he see is his father.
He say good morning to Yue and Yue did the same.
Yue ask him to brush his teeth and take a shower.
Leo did just that.
Yue wait for Leo at their kitchen table, 25 minutes later Leo already finished getting ready and walk towards the kitchen.

Leo seeing his father already seat, he then did the same.
"Did you made all this dad?"
Yue just nod and told Leo to dig in, he just prepared a simple breakfast (half cooked egg and bacon, a glass of milk: Don't know if that is really what you can describe as breakfast LoL)

When they both eating their food, Yue start the conversation by saying what does Leo think about Miu after he and her got married.
Heard of his father question, Leo stop eating and look at his father.
What can he say about Miu or should he say his mother?
There is nothing good that she did after his father and Miu got married, he could see that she didn't not care about him. Remembering what had happened when Miu yelled at him about breakfast had made him at lost.

He does not know why she suddenly changed, before she was soft spoken, caring mother to him but when she married his father and then they started to live here. She changed.
And so he told his father that she was not the same person as she used to be.
Yue could related what Leo have said about Miu.
"Do you still consider her as your mother? Do you love her?"
This question is something that Yue have to know since this is the main reason as to why he ask this to his son.

Leo kept silence while playing his fork, does he love her? Of course he did.....but since she has changed, he got mixed feelings. Can she really be a good mother to him and good wife to his father? No...
It's been a year now since his father married Miu also started to change her attitude towards him and his father.
During a year, there is not a single thing that she did anything for him.

The truth is, he felt heartbroken when he saw how she treated him.
He was jealous of his friends that their parents would send them to school and pick them up after school.
While he, there is sometimes his father would send him to school but that can be count with his fingers. While Miu never did those things, because he rarely see her since she woke up late and got back home late too.
No greetings in the morning, no saying good night sweet dream in the night.

The one who does that, is the maid.
"I did love mom but...she never once care about me after we started to live here. Why did she change so sudden dad?
Was is something that I did that made mom like that?"
"Of course not, you did nothing wrong.
Dad is the one at fault here.
Dad should have think more about getting marrying her, and that had made dad feel more guilty towards you and I'm sorry for that Leo."

Leo just kept silence after that, he feels sad about it but he knows that his father just wants what best for him.
For him to have a mother loves but Miu did not give him that. She thinks that her friends are more important than him.
Then Yue said "Dad is thinking about ending the marriage with Miu but before doing that, dad wants to know if you still want Miu as your mother or not. That is why dad ask if you love her and would still consider her as your mother."

Being the smart kid, Leo knew that there must be a reason that made his father thinking about ending his marriage with Miu but no matter what decision that his father made, he would be okay.
Yes if they both really separate, he still fine even though he could no longer have a mother. He just need his father and everything would be fine.
"I'm fine dad, if dad and mom no longer together. I only need you, I'm used too it so it's okay."

Leo saying that made Yue look at his son whom continue eating his food.
"I'm used too it" that words been  play repeatedly in Yue's mind.
His son had used to this.
He felt more guilty since he was the one whom made the decision in marrying Miu.
Now because of that, his son was the one got hurt bad.
Miu never really love his son, she only wants his fortune.
Not him nor his son. He knows that when Miu started to use his saving but he still gave her the chance to change and yet she never did.

Yue gently rub Leo's hair, children are innocent.
They would say what's on their mind and speak nothing but the truth. The way Leo said about it had shown how he was longing a mother's love and yet he did not get it from Miu.
Of course he got it when he was still a baby until he was five. But after that, he could not longer felt any mother's love from Miu and judging by Miu's attitude...that had hurt him a lot and yet Leo hide his hurt.

Yue knows now that he needs to end his marriage with Miu since he could no longer let Leo got hurt more.
After they finished eating their breakfast, Yue send Leo to school.
Soon after that, he called his superior that he could not go to work due to having family problems. His superior knows who Yue is, let him have a day off and take time to solve it. Yue thanked him and end the call.

His on his way back home, the only thing that he needs to do know is wait until Miu wakes up.

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