I'm only a fool for you

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"Babe," Y/N says empathetically. "You need to sit the fuck down." Y/N pushes her girlfriend's shoulders down so that she's sitting down on her bed again.

"I need to go to class," Jennie insists, fumbling with the covers that she refuses to let Y/N put her in. Y/N only glares at the Korean, mumbling some incoherent curse words under her breath.

"What you need is to lay the fuck down and sleep," she warns her girlfriend, having enough already of her stubborn attitude. Jennie shakes her head, and Y/N has never wanted to physically harm her girlfriend more than in that moment.

Jennie's sick. She's been sick for the past four days now, and while normally Jennie is this quite literal ray of sunshine with a dash of adorable charm, she's being stubborn. She's being really stubborn.

Y/N has this policy of never harming the ill, but Jennie is testing her patience. Jennie has been testing her girlfriend's patience for days now.

Needless to say, Y/N is annoyed but that's mainly because she hates taking care of people. It's not that she's selfish or anything, it just makes her feel utterly useless. Honestly, she has no idea what she is doing half the time. She's pretty sure she gave jennie the wrong medicine, and who does that? Y/N-fucking-Y/L/N, that's who.

Y/N doesn't even know how to take care of herself, let alone another life.

So, yeah, maybe she's freaking out a little bit. But she tries to hide it from Jennie of course. The Korean doesn't need to see the kind of disaster Y/N is when Jennie's sick because then the brunette will just run herself into the ground even more.

"You're sick," Y/N says, her fingers tightening their grip on her girlfriend's shoulders.

"I feel fine," Jennie retorts and tries to snort but it comes out sounding like a particularly deadly wheeze. Her nose is twitching kind of cutely as she says it too. That's really the only thing that's cute about Jennie right now; everything else is a mess.

She's a mess.

Jennie's eyes are puffy and her cheeks are swollen. There's this purplish, green colour that's been gathering under her eyes for the last couple of days. Her hair is sticking up in matted tufts on the top of her head and on her neck, and her nose is this constant current that leaks like a dripping tap everywhere. No joke, it's one of the most disgusting things Y/N has ever experienced in her life. Jennie looks weak and utterly useless and seeing her like this, when Y/N is used to the steadfast, persistently independent girl that captured her heart, well, it's weird. She doesn't like it one bit.

Y/N wants her girlfriend to get better so the brunette can stop feeling like shit as much as she wants Jennie to get better so she'll stop feeling so damn uncomfortable. Does that make her a bad girlfriend?


"It's been two days," Jennie whines. "I've missed so much. I need to write assignments and complete homewo-" she argues, her inner nerd sprouting once again until she gets cut off. The Korean breaks off into a deathly sounding cough, and yeah, no, if this kid thinks she's getting out of this bed today, she is sadly very, very mistaken.

"No," Y/N reassures her. "You don't." Y/N knows that she's not exactly the most maternal person out there. She knows Jennie would be better off with a girlfriend that would've made her some ridiculous homemade soup, or one that would've known what the hell she was doing. But Jennie's stuck with Y/N, and the best she's been able to do thus far is change her sheets when they get too sweaty or when she gets puke on them. Which she doesn't even remember because she passes out for most of the time.

The things Y/N does for this ball of adorableness.

But really, the least Y/N can do after all Jennie does for her, after all, she continues to do for her, is do Jennie's damn homework.

Jennie will no doubt be thoroughly pissed off when she finds out that Y/N spent her free time doing the brunette's homework instead of her own, but whatever, it's worth it not to see Jennie fall behind classes, and now Y/N won't have to hear her girlfriend whine about it.

It's really a win-win situation.

Probably more like a win-lose, but whatever. Y/N's allowed to lie to herself here, okay?


"Y/N," Jennie whined from the couch in front of the TV in the lounge room as she lets out a disjointed, disgusting cough afterward.

"Yeah?" Y/N calls from her spot at the kitchen island, where she is quietly working on her girlfriend's homework and assignment.

"Can you get me a strawberry?" Jennie groggily asks, her eyelids falling back as she tries to fight off the sleep wanting to overtake her exhausted body.

"Get it yourself, Kitten."

It takes many grunts and fifteen minutes to pass for Y/N to realize that the paled brunette can't-do it. The reason being, she is cocooned in her blankets and her fever is so high that just hours before, Y/N was contemplating sending her to a hospital.

She may or may not be a horrible person.


"Y/N/N." Y/N looks up from where she is typing up another one of her girlfriend's assignment. She has no idea what the hell she's doing. She's walking into a situation completely blind and hoping for the best, which you know, the best rarely happens with her, unless you count her girlfriend, but oh well, maybe she's just hoping someday or maybe she's just reckless- what the hell is she writing again?

"What is it, Jen?" Y/N asks from the other side of the room where she is seated on the single couch to Jennie who is wrapped up like a burrito on the L-shaped couch.

"Don't feel good," the brown-eyed girl mutters. Her face is scrunching up in discomfort, and it makes Y/N quickly discard her laptop so she can walk over to her girlfriend. It's weird taking care of her, and even though she doesn't enjoy it, it doesn't mean she likes seeing her like this. It sits wrong with Y/N, turning something inside her belly that she doesn't like.

Y/N has never been good with words, not even when she was a child. Her words are either too harsh or too brash, cut too deep or don't cut deep enough, and this time is no different. She's not sure what to say, she's never sure what to say, especially now. Y/n is much too afraid that her words will come across insincere if she tried to vocalize what she's feeling.

So, she doesn't try to.

Jennie will understand. She always understands.

When Y/N is close enough, she reaches out her fingers to spread across Jennie's forehead gently. It's sticky and hot and it makes that clenching feeling come back in Y/N's chest again. The only reason she doesn't pull away her hand is that she can feel Jennie arching her head into her touch.

Before Y/N can talk herself out of it, she climbs onto the couch with her sick girlfriend, cuddling up behind her and running her fingers down Jennie's back in an effort to comfort her.

"Y/N/N," Jennie grunts almost painfully, and turns her head to look over to her girlfriend. The move looks aching and Y/N has to resist the urge to slap her girlfriend because of it.

"Go to sleep," Y/N girl mumbles, placing a chaste kiss on Jennie's cheek.

"You're going to get sick," she mumbles, slightly incoherently. Y/N smiles widely against the back of Jennie's shirt.

"Don't care," she mumbles. Jennie doesn't say anything after that, but her posture relaxes finally.

Y/N doesn't mean to, but she finds herself falling asleep soon too.

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